‘You’re done destroying my house’: Woman’s Sister Allows Her Kids to Run Wild During Family Dinners, Husband Finally Has Enough

Family dinners are a spectacle to behold, or at least, they are in my family. My sibling’s kids run about with their iPads and smart phones, playing sometimes with toys but mostly throwing them at the wall. My siblings turn a blind eye because honestly, they haven’t read Parenting 101, and they don’t have great …
Seguir leyendo ‘You’re done destroying my house’: Woman’s Sister Allows Her Kids to Run Wild During Family Dinners, Husband Finally Has Enough

‘He couldn’t stand the idea of working for someone else’: Breadwinner girlfriend splits expenses 70/30 with jazz musician boyfriend, argues with him about getting a ‘real job’

Being an artist is all about sacrifices. You have to either be willing to live on a shoestring budget, piecing together work while you can, or give in to a ‘real job’ that you can do while pursuing your interests. But things get messy when you try to depend on another person for your financial freedom, especially if that person is …
Seguir leyendo ‘He couldn’t stand the idea of working for someone else’: Breadwinner girlfriend splits expenses 70/30 with jazz musician boyfriend, argues with him about getting a ‘real job’

Self-indulgent parents name daughter Pennsylvania, flip out when she changes it and keeps it a secret for 5 years: ‘My parents insisted that everybody was to call me by my full name’

Choosing your child’s name is one of the first major responsibilities that you have as a parent. While other decisions that you make may have more of an impact on how they develop as a person, it can’t be forgotten that they will have to sit with whatever collection of letters you most enjoyed when …
Seguir leyendo Self-indulgent parents name daughter Pennsylvania, flip out when she changes it and keeps it a secret for 5 years: ‘My parents insisted that everybody was to call me by my full name’

‘Cut the umbilical cord already’: Fed up fiancée calls off wedding after overbearing mother-in-law makes excuses to postpone on 4 different occasions

Something that not everybody considers when getting into a relationship is that if it becomes serious, your dynamic with your in-laws can be almost as important as that with your partner. Whether wayward or overbearing, the parents of your beloved can have an outsized influence on how happy you are in your life together.  If …
Seguir leyendo ‘Cut the umbilical cord already’: Fed up fiancée calls off wedding after overbearing mother-in-law makes excuses to postpone on 4 different occasions

‘This baby is 0% my responsbility’: Harsh mom kicks out entitled pregnant 19 year old daughter after she asks for free babysitting

It’s true what they say: being a parent is a lifelong commitment. Even when your kids are long past the age where you’re helping them tie their shoelaces and blow their noses, they will still need you in other ways. Some may even argue that parenting can get harder as children enter adulthood because it …
Seguir leyendo ‘This baby is 0% my responsbility’: Harsh mom kicks out entitled pregnant 19 year old daughter after she asks for free babysitting

Audacious man ‘accidentally’ insults girlfriend’s dress sense, gets roasted by the internet: ‘No matter how women perform femininity, it will be wrong’

The way we dress ourselves is a very personal thing, whether we care about fashion or not. Many of us have multiple reasons for the outfits and beauty enhancements we choose, but the most important of these will always be what we feel comfortable in.  Unfortunately, not everybody is always going to see it that …
Seguir leyendo Audacious man ‘accidentally’ insults girlfriend’s dress sense, gets roasted by the internet: ‘No matter how women perform femininity, it will be wrong’

‘You can’t always get what you want’: Woman refuses to give a demanding kid her donut at birthday party, leading to her being forced to leave

You know those parents who still act like children themselves, and then end up setting a terrible example to their kids? They spoil them to no end and teach them to act as petty and entitled as they do. And then, when those kids have children of their own, the cycle unfortunately continues. The mother …
Seguir leyendo ‘You can’t always get what you want’: Woman refuses to give a demanding kid her donut at birthday party, leading to her being forced to leave

‘He’s saying I’m making him look like a gold digger’: Insecure son flips out on mom after his rich girlfriend gives her thoughtful and expensive birthday gift

I feel like even the diehard childfree have to admit there can be a couple of benefits to having kids, and one of these is that they might grow up and get into a relationship with someone who winds up being a delightful addition to the family. In-law relationships can be notoriously difficult, but there …
Seguir leyendo ‘He’s saying I’m making him look like a gold digger’: Insecure son flips out on mom after his rich girlfriend gives her thoughtful and expensive birthday gift

‘Vegan cheese is the grossest thing I’ve ever tried’: Dad refuses to buy groceries for 15-year-old vegan daughter

Dietary choices are a very easy way to start family drama. When I first went vegetarian many years ago, my parents couldn’t get enough of worrying about my protein intake. While they have since calmed down about it, I can still sympathize with those who face breaking the news to their omnivorous relatives. I also …
Seguir leyendo ‘Vegan cheese is the grossest thing I’ve ever tried’: Dad refuses to buy groceries for 15-year-old vegan daughter

Shady landlord wants to park RV on tenant’s property, won’t take no for an answer: ‘He wants to rent the property and have it too’

If there’s one thing about landlords it’s this: they will attempt to get away with whatever they can. Because they often have nothing to lose. It’s much easier for them to deal with complaints as they arise rather than trying to get ahead of anything that might go wrong. They hold all the power, and …
Seguir leyendo Shady landlord wants to park RV on tenant’s property, won’t take no for an answer: ‘He wants to rent the property and have it too’