Stepmom refuses to let 16-year-old stepson eat family dinner unless he makes lunches for her 3 kids: ‘She [said] I won’t help feed her kids and it’s not how you treat family’

There are some chores that can matriculate from parents to kids as the kids get older. Cleaning your room, doing dishes, and taking out the trash help build life skills. You don’t want your kid to show up to the first day of University not knowing what a washer and dryer look like. However, blended …
Seguir leyendo Stepmom refuses to let 16-year-old stepson eat family dinner unless he makes lunches for her 3 kids: ‘She [said] I won’t help feed her kids and it’s not how you treat family’

The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 27, 2024)

There is an endless pool of social media posts about parenting. Babies are born every day, and new hot takes will always be emerging about what the right way to parent is. There are parenting strategies from 50 years ago that remain relevant, and there is extremely popular advice today that will be considered totally …
Seguir leyendo The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 27, 2024)

Parents skip 16-year-old son’s high school graduation because his sister went into labor, doesn’t give birth until 18 hours after the graduation: ‘They could have had at least had one of them stay with me’

No parent wants to have to choose between children during important in their lives. People can plan around this as much as they want, making sure weddings don’t fall on milestone birthdays and avoiding proposing on Christmas. However, sometimes nature takes its course, and older sisters go into labor on their little brother’s graduation day. …
Seguir leyendo Parents skip 16-year-old son’s high school graduation because his sister went into labor, doesn’t give birth until 18 hours after the graduation: ‘They could have had at least had one of them stay with me’

18-year old changes her last name back to her late dad’s name, enrages mom and stepdad who changed it against her will when she was 7: ‘My mom’s husband told me I publicly disowned them’

Names are more important than we give them credit for. They’re not something that you should change without serious reason. We’ve all heard of parents who realize they gave their baby the wrong name two weeks after they were born. Changing their name in that scenario is largely harmless, but once a child is old …
Seguir leyendo 18-year old changes her last name back to her late dad’s name, enrages mom and stepdad who changed it against her will when she was 7: ‘My mom’s husband told me I publicly disowned them’

‘This bear is cute, you’re just a hater’: Mom refuses to buy her 2-year-old daughter a $15 rainbow bear from Build a Bear, claims it doesn’t fit with her muted aesthetic

As a parent, you often must sacrifice your aesthetic wishes for at least the first couple of years of your baby’s life. That’s when you can easily control the clothes they wear, but when it comes to toys and accessories, products tend to veer into tacky territory sooner rather than later. If the aesthetic of …
Seguir leyendo ‘This bear is cute, you’re just a hater’: Mom refuses to buy her 2-year-old daughter a $15 rainbow bear from Build a Bear, claims it doesn’t fit with her muted aesthetic

The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (May 21, 2024)

One of the wildest types of parents are those who helicopter parent into their child’s adulthood. I can’t imagine my parents handling my affairs in college, let alone in my day-to-day life as a grown-up with a job. I know that most adult children who find themselves on the receiving end of this «help» aren’t …
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The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (May 14, 2024)

Mother’s Day weekend isn’t fun for everybody. Your mom might live thousands of miles away, robbing both of you of the chance to hang out with each other and celebrate her. You might be living without a mother or a grandmother, which made you spend all of Sunday mourning and missing them.  Unfortunately, not everyone …
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The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 13, 2024)

Parents will do all sorts of things to make sure their kids succeed. I understand moving to an area with a good school district or paying for SAT tutoring, but some parents take it too far. I know kids who were held back in elementary school so that they could be older than everyone in …
Seguir leyendo The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 13, 2024)

Adult children discuss negligent helicopter parents who highly surveil their children but seldom support them: ‘No praise for accomplishments, just constant expectations’

Non-parents often think that parenting styles are distinct, inscrutable categories that can’t have any overlaps. Crunchy moms homeschool their children and shield them from screens, outsiders, and foods that don’t come from the earth. Permissive parents let every act of misbehaving slide because they’re too lazy to correct any behavior. Or worse yet, they prioritize …
Seguir leyendo Adult children discuss negligent helicopter parents who highly surveil their children but seldom support them: ‘No praise for accomplishments, just constant expectations’

The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (May 7, 2024)

Every parent has a different level of involvement in their kid’s life once they become adults. Some adult children call their parents multiple times a day, consulting them on every decision they make, whether it’s big or small. Some parents still provide housing and food for their kids years after graduating high school or college. …
Seguir leyendo The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (May 7, 2024)