The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 27, 2024)

There is an endless pool of social media posts about parenting. Babies are born every day, and new hot takes will always be emerging about what the right way to parent is. There are parenting strategies from 50 years ago that remain relevant, and there is extremely popular advice today that will be considered totally bogus in the next two years. After all, there is no one instruction manual on how to raise a child. No matter what you do, there will be somebody who has a problem with it, and they will let you know in your Instagram comments. After all, we live in a digital age! The internet is the place where we can analyze, criticize, and broadcast parenting opinions to the entire world instead of just ranting to our friends that the neighbor doesn’t have the right car seat for her kid’s age group. If you love parenting posts that bring the drama, you’ve come to the right place. 

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