‘Calling CPS’: Frustrated postpartum mom causes controversy after releasing rage by throwing ice cubes in the bathroom

Giving birth can be one of the craziest experiences that somebody ever deals with. We are all pretty aware of the gruesome physical effects it can have, but often less discussed is the toll that it can take on you mentally. The postpartum phase can be just as difficult as pregnancy for numerous reasons, and …
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Wasteful woman’s 3-hour shower, hundreds of unnecessary bath products spark controversy online: ‘This is worse than that cupboard full of Stanley cups’

I’m all for a decadent shower. After all, it’s one of the only surefire means of pleasure in this life. A hot shower with some good-smelling soap and some nice tunes, now that’s my idea of a fun night. It immediately helps you unwind, not to mention feel clean. But you’ve gotta draw a line …
Seguir leyendo Wasteful woman’s 3-hour shower, hundreds of unnecessary bath products spark controversy online: ‘This is worse than that cupboard full of Stanley cups’

Maximalist Person Turns Bathroom Into ‘Garden of Eden’, Internet Agrees They Went Overboard

Your bathroom is the one place in your house that requires some extra work to look nice. Putting in a potted plant and a scent spray bottle doesn’t cut it. If you’re ever at a loss for what to add, you can always check r/interiordecorating where Redditors offer each other advice on how to make …
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Fastidious Brusher Shames People Who Keep Their Toothbrush in the Bathroom, Start Debate on Cleanliness

Social media has brought in countless exhausting trends since its inception. Sometimes they revolve around something stupid, like the Tide Pod challenge, and other times they’re all about shaming people. The very worst combine these two aspects, as with the exhaustion that is the Hygiene Olympics. The premise is exactly like it sounds: it’s people …
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A Shower of Bathroom Memes for Squeaky Clean Squatty Potty Users

The chore that I have the most love/hate relationship with is always going to be cleaning the bathroom. On the one hand, it’s an extremely satisfying upper body workout to scrub away the unsightly gunk and grime that comes from all our ablutions. On the other, it’s hard work and also pretty gross.  What swings …
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Unfortunate Traveler Finds His Airbnb is Just a Large Bathroom With a Bed Inside

I have not had the greatest luck in the world regarding renting Airbnbs. The apartments themselves haven’t been horrible, but I have had to stand outside in the cold waiting for a landlord to drop off a key after 10-hour travel days more often than I would care to admit. For every time that has …
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‘It needs to be cleaned up’: Hotel guest’s kid makes a mess in the hallway, demands front desk agent to clean it up and slams the door in his face

Whatever happened to cleaning up your own mess? It’s one thing if you spill a drink at a restaurant and are waiting for a waiter to help clean it up, but it’s quite another when your kid makes a giant mess in the hallway outside your hotel room and you try to bother the one …
Seguir leyendo ‘It needs to be cleaned up’: Hotel guest’s kid makes a mess in the hallway, demands front desk agent to clean it up and slams the door in his face

School Administration Bans Students From Using The Restroom During Class

Every student has had this dreaded interaction with a K-12 teacher. «Can I use the restroom?» «I don’t know, can you?»  Not only is it unoriginal, but most children will not understand the grammatical problem at hand. That’s because there is no grammatical problem with «Can I use the restroom,» and teachers who act like …
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Professional Plumber Memes That Beat Fixing Leaky Pipes

In these heady days of rapid artificial intelligence advancement, I sometimes wonder what I would do for work if I was replaced by a robot. It’s a scary thought, because skills-wise I am pretty useless. That’s why I have a silly made up job collecting memes and talking about how stupid the internet is.  All …
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A Solid Selection of Funky Fresh Memes

Here we go again, back at it with another steaming hot plate of memes for your consumption. It must be so nice to have delicious memes provided to you every night without effort on your part. Some people in this world slave away, looking for memes far and wide to feel their ever-growing families. When …
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