Kid wants a doughnut that isn’t his, entitled parents won’t tell him no: ‘I refused a doughnut to a kid and then called his mom out’

You know… kids are dumb; it’s really an undeniable and certifiable fact. In fact, it’s not even a programming error rather it’s actually one of the features of being a kid; you don’t have to know everything or be responsible and can romp around; it’s up to your parents, other guardians, or mining foreman to …
Seguir leyendo Kid wants a doughnut that isn’t his, entitled parents won’t tell him no: ‘I refused a doughnut to a kid and then called his mom out’

‘My son screamed for the last 4 hours’: Parents share the worst travel strategies they’ve tried while traveling with kids

Traveling with kids can’t be easy. I like to think that I was a pretty easy kid to handle overall, but I remember one particularly horrible car ride that my parents will never forget. I believe we were driving from Wisconsin back to Illinois, and the sun was in my eyes the entire ride. Instead …
Seguir leyendo ‘My son screamed for the last 4 hours’: Parents share the worst travel strategies they’ve tried while traveling with kids

‘Letting the tablet raise them’: Parents share the parenting trends they disagree with

Throughout the past 100 years, many different parenting trends have gone in and out of style. One of the biggest trends that has all but dissipated is parents leaving their kids outside to play by themselves for hours at a time. Starting with panic about child abductions in the 80s, compounded with the rise of …
Seguir leyendo ‘Letting the tablet raise them’: Parents share the parenting trends they disagree with

Woman Sacrifices Her Daughter’s College Fund After Her Other Kid Gave Birth to Her 4th Child, Leading to Discussion on Parenting

One woman made an enemy of her kid after she decided to liquidate her college fund in favor of her other daughter’s finances. Let’s call the children Anna and Maxine. Anna, a 24-year-old woman, gave birth to her 4th child, despite not actually being able to afford the first 4. It was well within her …
Seguir leyendo Woman Sacrifices Her Daughter’s College Fund After Her Other Kid Gave Birth to Her 4th Child, Leading to Discussion on Parenting

Dad forces 18-year-old son to pay rent or get out, allows 22 year old unemployed son to live with him rent free: ‘I’m getting punished for my brothers actions’

If I’ve learned anything from my extended family, it’s that you should not let your adult son live in your house rent-free for years with no job and no prospects. When I was a kid, teenager, and college student, one of my biggest fears was that I would never be able to get a job, …
Seguir leyendo Dad forces 18-year-old son to pay rent or get out, allows 22 year old unemployed son to live with him rent free: ‘I’m getting punished for my brothers actions’

30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (April 4, 2024)

Being a parent is all about picking your battles. When you’re not a parent, you imagine how you’ll have all the answers. You have ideas about being the perfect parent, having everything go your way, and not letting your kids get away with anything you don’t want them to. Life, though, is messy and unpredictable. …
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‘My dad jokes are wasted’: Child free folks discuss the cons of the no-kid lifestyle

One of the biggest decisions we’re asked to make in life is whether or not we’re going to have children. There’s so much social pressure to conform, and nobody pushes parenthood like parents. It’s the choice they made, after all. But there are definitely some drawbacks to going full steam into parenthood. It’s expensive, it’s …
Seguir leyendo ‘My dad jokes are wasted’: Child free folks discuss the cons of the no-kid lifestyle

30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (March 28, 2024)

Spring is beginning to spring. The flowers are about to bloom, the grass is getting green again, and I’m starting to sneeze. It’s a beautiful time of the year, but it’s also the harbinger of spring break. And as a parent, spring break is less party all night long doing shots on Miami beach and …
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‘This was some secret test’: Weird mom friends shame child-free woman for ignoring baby’s cry at a restaurant

Thankfully, I’m not at the age where I’m starting to «lose friends» to parenthood, like the subject of this recent horror story. But I imagine that’s a hard thing to go through. You can have all the intention in the world of staying friends, but life will rapidly get in the way if one of …
Seguir leyendo ‘This was some secret test’: Weird mom friends shame child-free woman for ignoring baby’s cry at a restaurant

Entitled sister is banned from family beach holiday after demanding care for her children: ‘She asked if they could go and I said no’

It’s all good to help someone out when they’re in need; this is an essential part of being a family, friend, or even part of a community. However, there’s a distinct difference between offering your assistance to someone who is beyond grateful for a helping hand and being forced to help out someone who feels …
Seguir leyendo Entitled sister is banned from family beach holiday after demanding care for her children: ‘She asked if they could go and I said no’