20+ Priceless Letterboxd Reviews That Deserve Appreciation

Everyone’s a critic these days. No, really. Thanks to social platforms like Yelp and Letterboxd, a consensus opinion based on crowd-sourced reviews can be found for pretty much anything and everything. Want to know how the general population feels about a specific type of broom? I’m sure there are thousands of reviews for it somewhere …
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Movie Theater Worker Reveals Outrageous Reality Of What Staff See During Screenings

With its rustling popcorn and dim lighting, many moviegoers assume that your average movie theater hides a multitude of sins. Whether you’ve snuck in your snacks under your jacket or you’re looking for an opportunity to get to second base, the seats in front of that screen could tell a thousand tales (not all of …
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An Assortment Of Movie Memes For Wannabe Cinephiles

Judging by the sheer amount of times that the two have been combined, memes and movies are one of the most successful duos since peanut butter and jelly. It would be hard to count the number of meme formats that use screenshots and concepts from famous films, but memes about the art itself are not …
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20+ of the Best Coming of Age Movies Ever

Everyone has to grow up. It’s one of the few experiences we all share, no matter where we’re from or how our backgrounds might differ. It’s no wonder some of the most beloved films of all time are coming-of-age stories that deeply resonate with youth and wistful adults alike. The 400 Blows came out in …
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