Computer Science Memes Full of Coding Comedy

I have to come clean right now and admit that I don’t know a damn thing about computer science. But just because my tiny brain can’t comprehend programming language doesn’t mean all the nerdy coders out there should be deprived of dank memes. So instead of making a pathetic attempt at pretending I know what …
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Programming Memes For Frustrated Coders

Paging all programmers, tech geeks, and computer scientists! We know that while the industry is booming where salaries are concerned, the reality of working with code on a daily basis can be very frustrating. And as is the case with other frustrating fields, this makes for some highly relatable and somewhat comforting content. While these …
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20 Techie Memes For Computer Nerds

We’ve got a humble bunch of geeky memes for all the techies, coders, and computer scientists out there. We’ve gotta admit, even we didn’t get some of the references to Linux and obscure developer tools, but maybe all you programmers and hackers out there will appreciate these niche jokes. 

Relatable Programming Memes For Exhausted Coders

Programming is often touted as a smart and lucrative career path. It’s a job that (sometimes) offers flexibility and great benefits. But it’s far from sunshine and  Nyan Cat rainbows. The hours are long. The mistakes are frustrating. And your eyesight is almost guaranteed to suffer. These memes cover most of the frustration (and funny …
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