15 Cringey Liars Who Were Called Out For Their Blatant BS

The three Golden Rules with regard to lying are as follows: if you’re going to tell a flat-out lie, a.) at least make sure you can deliver it convincingly, b.) lie about something worthwhile, and c.) make sure no one can easily fact check you on that sh*t!  These lying liars apparently didn’t get the …
Seguir leyendo 15 Cringey Liars Who Were Called Out For Their Blatant BS

Excellent Comebacks That Deserve Some Recognition

The Wendy’s Twitter manager isn’t the only one with top-notch roasts; sometimes us regular people think of clever comebacks that leave the recipient with third-degree burns. We just hope the following will inspire you to think of your own! And check out Reddit’s /r/CleverComebacks for loads more roast-y material!

Comebacks, & Roasts We’d Be Proud To Think Of (37 Zingers)

Ever have it out with someone (either seriously or in good fun) and think of the perfect comeback hours later when you’re in the shower? Happens to us all the time. These clever souls didn’t have to suffer like that – they came up with some seriously smart sh*t at just the right moment. Salute.