34 Family Memes That Don’t Fall Far From the Tree (December 23, 2023) (CHRISTMAS EDITION)

Spike that eggnog and grab your coping mechanisms, it’s time for Christmas with the whole family! No family is perfect, so when we’re all gathered for a peaceful meal together, we need to remember that we love each other. After bickering in the house for hours over the correct way to cook the mashed potatoes, …
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’30 Rock’ Memes to Scroll While Watching the Rural Juror

There are too many iconic 30 Rock jokes to name. But I’ll start with my favorite. «You’re magic jeans are from BDL? Oh Lemon, it’s not hand-made in USA, it’s pronounced Hand-made in Usa. The Hand people are a Vietnamese slave tribe and Usa is their island prison.» I’m sure when I’m 99 and mostly senile, that …
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Santa’s Bag of 34 Christmas Memes to Make Your Spirits Bright

Tis the season to be jolly! Grab your cookies, your meemaw, and your favorite holiday film, because it’s time to polish off a quart of eggnog and cause some merry mayhem. While many of us have qualms over spending so many days with family, just remember that we always have a way to steal a …
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31 Noice Brooklyn Nine-Nine Memes That Are Almost as Cool as Gina

There is a very serious debate about what is the best comfort show out there. Personally, I think it really depends on my mood and what I need to soothe my soul in the moment. For example, if I’m in a cozy mood and feel like cuddling my cat in bed, I’ll probably watch Gilmore …
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33 Family Memes That Won’t Steal the Remote

Remember the days of cable television? You couldn’t rewind live television so if you missed a second of your favorite TV show, you actually MISSED it. Because of this, the ultimate torture your sibling could inflict would be to hijack the TV remote and change the channel as soon as the commercials are over.  Sibling …
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31 Christmas Memes for Furiously Festive Carolers Snowballing Their Way Through the Holidays

The countdown has started! Just twelve days to Christmas! Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. I mean, all of my favorite things condensed into one day—amazing food, music, family, gifts, love, and snow. Nowadays, however, Christmas has changed significantly. As an adult, it is now my duty to transform Christmas into a magical winter …
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With a Fictitious $3,000,000,000 Prize at Stake, the Internet Wagers Which Horror Villain They Could Survive 24hours With

We’ve all seen those scary movies where the protagonist is running agonizingly slow through the woods as they attempt to flee from the villain. They’re clumsy, they’re thoughtless, and it seems like every main character that’s about to meet their brutal end is dumber than a doornail. All of these scary movies made viewers irrationally …
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28 Family Memes That Don’t Fall Far From the Tree (December 10, 2023)

Are you from a ‘fight it out’ family or a ‘sweep it under the rug’ family? If you’re unlucky enough to have both, then maybe you and I are related… If you didn’t think it was possible to ignore problems, while also fighting about them, perhaps you haven’t had enough family dinners. It may sound …
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27 Chummy Group Chat Memes That Won’t Trigger 10,000 Notifications on Your Phone

If you have even the tiniest molecule of introversion in your soul, being in a group chat is a nightmare. We all love talking to our friends 1-on-1, but who has the energy to speed-type messages to your 8 closest friends, attempting to send off your joke before the subject changes. The stress is unmatched.  …
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‘I don’t want to be stuck living with my grandchild’: Father Goes off on Daughter for Getting Pregnant and Forcing Him to Live With the Baby

I’m all about keeping it real. I know that at times we feel like a little white lie might be the perfect solution, but when you really care about a person, you will always tell them the truth. In theory, the method of complete and utter honesty sounds easy, but in practice, honesty can be …
Seguir leyendo ‘I don’t want to be stuck living with my grandchild’: Father Goes off on Daughter for Getting Pregnant and Forcing Him to Live With the Baby