15+ People Reveal The Overhyped Food They Actually Hate

Food has to be one of the most controversial topics out there. The cultural, ethical and personal reasons for what we chose to consume have caused some intense debates on the internet over the years, proving that it is an emotive subject for pretty much anyone with a set of taste buds and a social …
Seguir leyendo 15+ People Reveal The Overhyped Food They Actually Hate

Sisters Face Backlash After Doing ‘Rick and Morty’ TikTok Dance in Front of Mother’s Casket

If you’re old enough to remember Barenaked Ladies, you probably remember that line from ‘One Week’ where the singer says «I’m the kinda guy who laughs at a funeral.» The compulsion to laugh or smile at inappropriate times isn’t a rare one. Experts say that chuckling during somber events stems from anxiety, which is very …
Seguir leyendo Sisters Face Backlash After Doing ‘Rick and Morty’ TikTok Dance in Front of Mother’s Casket

Sisters Do ‘Rick and Morty’ TikTok Dance At Mother’s Funeral, Ignite Criticism

If you’re old enough to remember Barenaked Ladies, you probably remember that line from ‘One Week’ where the singer says «I’m the kinda guy who laughs at a funeral.» The compulsion to laugh or smile at inappropriate times isn’t a rare one. Experts say that chuckling during somber events stems from anxiety, which is very …
Seguir leyendo Sisters Do ‘Rick and Morty’ TikTok Dance At Mother’s Funeral, Ignite Criticism

‘Five Types Of Men To Avoid’ Challenge Is Rustling Some Jimmies On Twitter

Fox Business reporter Evie Fordham tweeted out the other day declaring the five types of men she thinks you should avoid, and asked others to do the same. As you can imagine, this was met with some controversy, and inspired others to make their own parody versions of the tweet!  (We have to add in …
Seguir leyendo ‘Five Types Of Men To Avoid’ Challenge Is Rustling Some Jimmies On Twitter

Mildly Dark Memes For Those Who Like Things On The Edgier Side

These memes definitely won’t make you gasp out loud or anything, but they might make your grandma uncomfortable. If you want even more offensive material, we’ve got you covered. Now get scrollin’!

Homeless Woman Explains On Twitter Why You Should Never Donate To The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is a household name for most when it comes to helping out those less fortunate. However, this Twitter user points out why the organization might actually not be the best place to spend your time and money if you’re looking to help homeless folks out. The reasons are pretty depressing!