Single mom cries baking cupcakes for own birthday, causes controversy on the internet: ‘You have to have a man to enjoy baking yourself a cake?’

Romantic relationships aren’t everything in life, but there is no denying that they can often seem very important. This is especially true when it comes to the difficult task of raising kids. It’s still rare that a parent sets out to bring up their children alone, but that’s exactly what millions end up doing anyway.  …
Seguir leyendo Single mom cries baking cupcakes for own birthday, causes controversy on the internet: ‘You have to have a man to enjoy baking yourself a cake?’

‘Calling CPS’: Frustrated postpartum mom causes controversy after releasing rage by throwing ice cubes in the bathroom

Giving birth can be one of the craziest experiences that somebody ever deals with. We are all pretty aware of the gruesome physical effects it can have, but often less discussed is the toll that it can take on you mentally. The postpartum phase can be just as difficult as pregnancy for numerous reasons, and …
Seguir leyendo ‘Calling CPS’: Frustrated postpartum mom causes controversy after releasing rage by throwing ice cubes in the bathroom

‘Just tell me you’re «busy with work and family!» I’ll take the hint’: HR-style break up message prompts debate about relationship overcommunication

Call me avoidant or emotionally immature, but there are situations in which I’d prefer to be ghosted. If a person with whom I have been on one moderately enjoyable date with goes AWOL, I would rather not have to come up with a polite response to being told exactly why they don’t like me enough …
Seguir leyendo ‘Just tell me you’re «busy with work and family!» I’ll take the hint’: HR-style break up message prompts debate about relationship overcommunication

‘Home renovation shows in 20-30 years will be erecting walls to heal the damage’: People debate the downfalls of open plan kitchens

Cooking is a great skill to have, but it can’t be denied that it’s one of the messier common pastimes. Even when we clean as we go, it can be pretty disheartening to see the pile of dishes that remain at the end of the process. Why, then, do so many of us desire to …
Seguir leyendo ‘Home renovation shows in 20-30 years will be erecting walls to heal the damage’: People debate the downfalls of open plan kitchens

‘Your lunch was probably 6 times her hourly salary’: New Yorker buys $20 curry from remote cashier in the Philippines, sparks debate about customer service work

It’s been close to five years since working from home became a part of the new normal, yet it seems like it keeps finding ways to push the boundaries and stay controversial. Sometimes it seems like the powers that be want nothing more than to force everyone back into the office, and other times they …
Seguir leyendo ‘Your lunch was probably 6 times her hourly salary’: New Yorker buys $20 curry from remote cashier in the Philippines, sparks debate about customer service work

Travelers debate whether you should book flights on a phone or laptop: ‘My most millennial trait is big purchases must happen in big laptop screen’

We can do just about anything on a phone these days. To add to the list of niche things that are beginning to age me, I remember when the idea of being able to open a PDF on a cell phone was almost unthinkable. Yet look at us now! The passage of time is relentless. …
Seguir leyendo Travelers debate whether you should book flights on a phone or laptop: ‘My most millennial trait is big purchases must happen in big laptop screen’

‘Perpetual teenagers. How boring’: Twitter users argue over Seth Rogen explaining why he doesn’t have kids

There are few more seismic choices in life than whether or not you choose to have children, and as a result, it’s rarely a topic that people can be balanced and normal about. There are plenty of entitled parents out there who become completely insufferable when anybody has the gall to say they don’t want …
Seguir leyendo ‘Perpetual teenagers. How boring’: Twitter users argue over Seth Rogen explaining why he doesn’t have kids

‘I’ve always wondered why it’s necessary’: Woman attracts controversy for grilling boyfriend about when he will propose

Every unmarried heterosexual couple of a certain age faces the same question when they have been together for a couple of years; a pushy family member or a nosy friend inevitably wants to know «When are you getting married?». Never mind your personal beliefs on tying the knot, or what stage your relationship is currently …
Seguir leyendo ‘I’ve always wondered why it’s necessary’: Woman attracts controversy for grilling boyfriend about when he will propose

‘I hope this gets normalized’: Bride and groom request cash instead of gifts, sparks debate about wedding etiquette

If weddings are one thing, they’re not always romantic, inspiring, or even fun. They’re expensive. Even the cheapest weddings leave you with sticker shock. It’s no wonder that seemingly more and more couples are opting for nontraditional ceremonies, or skipping them altogether. If you don’t have thousands of dollars lying around (and most people don’t), …
Seguir leyendo ‘I hope this gets normalized’: Bride and groom request cash instead of gifts, sparks debate about wedding etiquette

‘Who has the time to give undivided attention for a phone call?’: Gen-Z and millennials debate leaving their phones on ‘Do Not Disturb’ 24/7

I’ll admit it. I’m one of those filthy Zoomers who hates to pick up the phone. I don’t know why, but something about phone calls just sends my cortisol through the roof and I’d rather avoid it. I’m not a psycho, I pick up for my parents and friends when I can, but I have …
Seguir leyendo ‘Who has the time to give undivided attention for a phone call?’: Gen-Z and millennials debate leaving their phones on ‘Do Not Disturb’ 24/7