Concerned parents fall out with tradwife daughter and husband after saving money for her in case of divorce: ‘She felt we were rooting against her’

When it comes to the tricky business of settling down, I’m all for women choosing to do whatever floats their boat. However, I have to say that personally, I would probably struggle to be a stay-at-home mom. Not only can it easily isolate you from the outside world, but it can also mean that your …
Seguir leyendo Concerned parents fall out with tradwife daughter and husband after saving money for her in case of divorce: ‘She felt we were rooting against her’

‘What a satisfying text it was to receive’: Petty ex-wife signs ex-husband up for T-ball coaching duty, gets her just desserts

The politics behind children’s sports teams are more complicated than the political systems of most nations. Take a bunch of parents with varied interests, interpersonal drama of their own, and a desire to live vicariously through their children, and you have a recipe for drama. That’s why shows like Dance Moms and Toddlers and Tiaras make for such riveting television. They feature …
Seguir leyendo ‘What a satisfying text it was to receive’: Petty ex-wife signs ex-husband up for T-ball coaching duty, gets her just desserts

Husband spends $160k on baseball cards behind wife’s back, lawyers up when she asks for $80k back: ‘The cards are everywhere’

Financial infidelity is one of those common things that we’ve only just started learning how to talk about. When you have a joint account, you need to have a lot of discussions about how that account gets used, and just what you’re spending money on. Even if the relationship has a foundation of trust in …
Seguir leyendo Husband spends $160k on baseball cards behind wife’s back, lawyers up when she asks for $80k back: ‘The cards are everywhere’

‘I don’t want a different last name than our kids’: Ex-husband insists ex-wife change her last name because it makes his 24-year-old fiancée uncomfortable

I have no idea how I’d feel if I changed my last name. My full name has such a great ring; I couldn’t imagine wanting to change it to something else. But if I was in love and didn’t want to go to the hyphenated side of town, I might do it to have the …
Seguir leyendo ‘I don’t want a different last name than our kids’: Ex-husband insists ex-wife change her last name because it makes his 24-year-old fiancée uncomfortable

‘It’s easier having 1 person to take care of instead of 2’: Couple divorces after lazy dad refuses to help wife at home, gets 50/50 custody and she soars while he sinks

If you’re old enough to have a kid, you shouldn’t need somebody to tell you to take the trash out. Equitable distribution of housework within families is a hot-button issue that people discuss online with much frequency but with very little nuance. So many trad individuals like to say that since husbands work, the wife …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s easier having 1 person to take care of instead of 2’: Couple divorces after lazy dad refuses to help wife at home, gets 50/50 custody and she soars while he sinks

‘Who marries someone without ever introducing their child?’: Careless Dad wants to introduce his new wife to 7-year-old daughter at her birthday party

Blended families can be a doozy. Remember the show Life With Derek? Or earlier than that, The Brady Bunch? The premise of both of those shows was bringing together two sets of kids when their parents remarried. Hilarity, hijinks, and buffoonery ensue when you bring together families through marriage. Not that it can’t be a beautiful and healthy …
Seguir leyendo ‘Who marries someone without ever introducing their child?’: Careless Dad wants to introduce his new wife to 7-year-old daughter at her birthday party

‘You need to leave…’: Father Installs Lock on Daughter’s Room and Refuses to Remove It Until Brother-In-Law Moves Out

It’s crucial to have boundaries. Boundaries are the foundation of any healthy friendship or connection.  Establishing boundaries allows us to demonstrate respect for the person in front of us while also protecting ourselves.  But what happens when someone decides to cross your boundaries? How do you coexist peacefully? Well, the story down below is an …
Seguir leyendo ‘You need to leave…’: Father Installs Lock on Daughter’s Room and Refuses to Remove It Until Brother-In-Law Moves Out

‘It’s the jazz hands for me’: Mom and Dad Announce Divorce With Unnecessarily Festive Ecard

Communication is an even more vital part of family life than it is for life in general, and that’s saying something. For all that people disagree on how parents should raise their kids, most can concur that being able to talk with them effectively is an essential part of it. This includes the awkward conversations, …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s the jazz hands for me’: Mom and Dad Announce Divorce With Unnecessarily Festive Ecard

Fed Up Father Enrolls Child in Private School Behind Ex-Wife’s Back, Sparks Debate About Co-Parenting

Making joint decisions can be incredibly tough. Even the simplest of cases, like you and your roommate deciding what couch to get, can quickly spiral into an argument for the ages. Compromise is key, but it’s also one of the most difficult things we have to do as humans. Everybody wants their way, and it’s …
Seguir leyendo Fed Up Father Enrolls Child in Private School Behind Ex-Wife’s Back, Sparks Debate About Co-Parenting

Entitled Cheater Expects Ex-Husband to Babysit Her Affair Partner’s Kids and Include Them In ‘Family Traditions’

Cheating on your spouse is an awful and often unforgivable act, depending on the circumstances, but it doesn’t mean a couple can’t be civil toward each other for the sake of the kids. But once a marriage comes to an ugly end due to a severance of trust, it’s natural to set up some strict …
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