‘You need to leave…’: Father Installs Lock on Daughter’s Room and Refuses to Remove It Until Brother-In-Law Moves Out

It’s crucial to have boundaries. Boundaries are the foundation of any healthy friendship or connection.  Establishing boundaries allows us to demonstrate respect for the person in front of us while also protecting ourselves.  But what happens when someone decides to cross your boundaries? How do you coexist peacefully?

Well, the story down below is an account of a frustrated father. OP welcomed his brother-in-law and his two daughters into his house. After a long marriage that ended in divorce, the brother-in-law ran into financial troubles and had to list his house for sale. Since no one else in the family was willing to assist, OP and his wife felt compelled to do so. But as soon as the guests began taking advantage of the family’s hospitality, everything turned south. 

So, if you’re interested in learning what happened and what the brother-in-law and his kids did to make OP feel the need to purchase a lock for his daughter’s room, read the story below! And when you’re done, check out the story of a hotel guest who gets her car stolen here!

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