Fresh Cringeworthy Moments to Cringe at This Week (June 17, 2023)

The human race: we’re a pretty embarrassing species. First, we invent one of the most developed concepts of shame in the animal kingdom, then we decide to ignore it in favor of indulging all of our worst base impulses. Even worse, different people ignore it at different times while others look on in horror, and …
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People Discuss Idiots Who Get Treated Like Geniuses

It’s not hard to come off as more intelligent than you actually are. You just have to talk quickly and act like you know what you’re saying. That can help you out for a little while, but the key to achieving genius status as an idiot is to get extremely popular. You have got to …
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Stupid Posts By Pretentious People Who Think They’re Smart

There’s nothing worse than a dude who thinks he’s so much more intelligent than you. It’s challenging to be friends with people so far up their own asses that they can’t even have a normal conversation. I was friends with the most brilliant boy in class in the 2nd grade, and it got kind of …
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‘The manosphere keeps cashing in on these losers’: Goofy Pretend Military Bootcamp Gets Roasted by Twitter

If there is one thing that both ends of the political spectrum would like us to believe, it’s that there is a crisis of masculinity these days. The narrative is that society stopped encouraging them to be alpha male providers, then Andrew Tate suddenly got wished into existence. While we all have different ideas of …
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People Share The Moment They Realized They Were Dating A Dummy

I’ve never been on a date with somebody who was straight-up stupid. I will take notice if somebody I’m seeing is boring or lame, but stupidity is one of those qualities that typically reveals itself gradually instead of all at once. One of my family’s favorite stories is about a time when my Uncle went …
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Boba Shop Employees Forced to Stand All Shift After Customer’s Complaints About Their Chair

Annoying thing number 109345 that customers do: they constantly pry into affairs that are none of their business. Working a job that has you on your feet all day is punishing, especially when you are standing still for long periods of time. Nonetheless, some people just cannot stand the idea of somebody providing them a …
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‘There was more vape than steak’: Twitter Users Roast Disappointing $100 ‘Best Steak in the World’

The irony of the phrase ‘fine dining’ is that sometimes the experience is anything but. It’s possible to do cool things with food when a lot of money and creativity are involved, but this also runs the risk of disappointing diners with a pretentious menu or even worse, an empty stomach. Unfortunately for some, eating …
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People Share the Dumbest Ways That They Injured Themselves

Here is a sobering thought: we are all a lot more physically fragile than we think! Our bodies can do plenty of amazing things, but it only takes a split second of bad luck or poor decision making for something to happen that will affect us physically for the rest of our lives. Also, it …
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‘RIP Graphic Designers’: New Meme Pokes Fun at Tacky Logos Produced by Artificial Intelligence

The great bogeyman of all creative industries right now is artificial intelligence. Not a day goes by on the apps where some sanctimonious tech investor claims that millions of jobs will be wiped out by the power of robots. It’s true that the way AI is progressing, a lot of workplaces will never look the …
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Clueless Tech Bro Gets Roasted for Instructing People Not to Fall in Love in Their 20s

I have to say that we don’t always take the most positive attitude towards love at Memebase. Once you’ve seen enough awful Reddit stories about miserable marriages and countless dating app users acting like the Jigsaw Killer, you start to get a little bit jaded about all things Cupid-related. Don’t let this fool you, though! …
Seguir leyendo Clueless Tech Bro Gets Roasted for Instructing People Not to Fall in Love in Their 20s