‘RIP Graphic Designers’: New Meme Pokes Fun at Tacky Logos Produced by Artificial Intelligence

The great bogeyman of all creative industries right now is artificial intelligence. Not a day goes by on the apps where some sanctimonious tech investor claims that millions of jobs will be wiped out by the power of robots.

It’s true that the way AI is progressing, a lot of workplaces will never look the same again. Still, there is a case to be made for the human approach to creativity, as opposed to a machine interpretation of it. 

Case in point is a recent tweet by @itsPaulAi, where the ‘AI educator’ shared a how-to thread on creating a company logo using Bing Chat. Leading with the tagline ‘RIP graphic designers?’ and two rather questionable examples of the results, the controversial musing has become a jumping off point for a silly meme. The iconic Microsoft Wordart may be a thing of the past, but it has some eerie resonances with what’s going on today.c

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