‘My theory that delivery apps ruined the world is truer every day’: Apartment Dweller Calls Out DoorDash Driver for Not Bringing Food to Her Door, Restarts Customer Entitlement Debate

Those who provide services to us: they’re people too! In a post-Karen society, it would be nice to think that we all had an awareness of how to treat those in customer-facing roles with the respect they deserve, especially when the industries they work in are often overworked and underpaid.  Apparently, though, this all goes …
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‘He knows I know he knows better’: Boomer Calls Out Fellow Boomer for Acting ‘Dumb’ When Told Not to Pet His Veteran PTSD Service Dog

Can we get an applaud for boomers holding other boomers accountable please? The trend of showing the consequences of someone’s actions with your words, rather than just being passive aggressive or physically aggressive didn’t seem to start until after the boomers. So it’s not that common of an occurrence to see a boomer diplomatically shut …
Seguir leyendo ‘He knows I know he knows better’: Boomer Calls Out Fellow Boomer for Acting ‘Dumb’ When Told Not to Pet His Veteran PTSD Service Dog

‘This is really hilarious after the fact’: Pharmacist and male-Karen customer shouting match turns into something straight out of Comedy Central

Have you ever found yourself in a situation that got so escalated and was so messed up, that it was actually funny? Like, it surpassed the point of being taken seriously and just went right to hilariously ridiculous? In the moment, things usually feel intense and upsetting, but then when you look back on them, …
Seguir leyendo ‘This is really hilarious after the fact’: Pharmacist and male-Karen customer shouting match turns into something straight out of Comedy Central

Employee Demands ‘Free Manicure’ From Coworker During Lunch Break

Imagine you pick up a new hobby for yourself after work, and let’s say it’s a manicure. You buy the kit and work hard at making your nails look good and presentable. Some time and effort later, you feel good enough to help out your friends, whose nails are also hopeless. But first, before you …
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Insufferable Choosing Beggars Who Want Too Much of a Good Thing

Greed isn’t one of the seven deadly sins for nothing. Staking a claim to something that you’re not willing to pay a price for comes with its consequences, but it’s no use telling the most entitled people in this world that. Generosity and charity are all well and good in the right circumstances, but they …
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Entitled Employee Freaks Out After Having to Attend a Single Pointless Early Meeting

Transitioning from the service industry to a 9-5 job can be jarring because you realize that you make so much more money doing a job that requires way less work. The service industry demands you constantly perform cheerfulness. In an office, you might have to act a bit more professionally than you would outside of …
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Entitled Boomer Deems Self-Checkout Indecipherable, Tries to Cut Straight to the Cashier, Then Gets Put in Her Place– the Back of the Line

Remember back in the day when everyone was worried about robots taking over the world? Well, in a way, they have started– with cashier jobs!  A lot of Boomers advocated for menial tasks to be taken over by robots because it just made more sense to save money, which is exactly what big retail companies …
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Entitled College Graduate Gets Roasted for Complaining That Entry Level Marketing Jobs Pay Less Than Being a Server

As part of the generation that grew up during the 2008 financial crisis, I’ve spent most of my life with the creeping suspicion that I may never be better off than my parents. This feeling kind of softened the blow of doing one degree that any tech bro would sneer at as unemployable, then another …
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Entitled Mom Allows Her Four Kids to Blare Loud iPads on Airplane, Flight Attendant Saves The Day With Headphones

Nobody likes it when someone blares their music publicly for everybody to listen to. Even if you have your noise-canceling headphones, it’s annoying and attention-seeking behavior that gets on most people’s nerves. I believe some people do it for attention, but the vast majority do it because they don’t care about how other people perceive …
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Entitled Parents at Disney World Get Schooled By Cast Member, Kids Ride Alone

Standing in one of those never-ending lines at an amusement park is my own personal nightmare… people get impatient, there isn’t much shade so the sun is boiling the top of your head like an omelet, and kids are screeching at the top of their lungs with a mix of antsy enthusiasm and irritability that …
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