‘A frozen waffle in the VCR’: Some of the most ridiculous things toddlers have done around the house

It’s a rite of passage for pretty much every parent that those little bundles of joy soon grow up into tiny terrors. They don’t call them the terrible twos for nothing. Many with experience would argue that the problems begin with toddlers pretty much as soon as they begin to walk, and it can sometimes …
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Ikea Memes For Cheap Swedish Furniture Fans

Like most of y’all reading this, I’ve had a harrowing experience in an Ikea. Many people have gotten lost in the giant store or bought elaborate furniture sets that they can’t put together for the life of them. My story is a little more of a deep cut, but it’s equally devastating.  When I was …
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20+ Table Memes for Flat Surface Appreciators Who Enjoy Fine Furniture

I feel like tables are one of those things that none of us really think about until they become a problem. Like when you keep spilling your drink because of the uneven surface you have to put it on, or when your desk keeps wobbling as you write in the middle of a test. A …
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20+ Table Memes for Flat Surface Appreciators Who Enjoy Fine Wooden Furniture

I feel like tables are one of those things that none of us really think about until they become a problem. Like when you keep spilling your drink because of the uneven surface you have to put it on, or when your desk keeps wobbling as you write in the middle of a test. A …
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Clean Freak Demands Houseguests Change into New Clothes Before Sitting on his Furniture

I can’t identify as a «clean freak» in any sense of the word. I was the messy sibling, and my sister was the clean sibling. I had no issue with my room being a pigsty (and lowkey still don’t 85% of the time), but my sister was so into cleaning. She would go over to …
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20+ Funniest IKEA Memes for People Obsessed With $6 Swedish Meatballs and Disassembled Furniture

IKEA is just the adult version of Disneyland, prove us wrong. For folks who want an aesthetic home on a budget, some corners need to be cut to be able to afford the lavish looks of Scandinavian designs without the huge price tag. For most, that means assembling your own furniture with a janky alan …
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‘Bedbugs are throwing a Coachella in her apartment as we speak’: Woman Causes Uproar for Claiming Free Couch From NYC Sidewalk

One of the easiest ways to be kinder on the environment in our crazily consumerist society is to appreciate things secondhand. Thrifting, yard sales, and even controversial practices like dumpster diving all contribute to being one less individual blindly adding to the billion dollar profits of Amazon or similar.  However, this way of life has …
Seguir leyendo ‘Bedbugs are throwing a Coachella in her apartment as we speak’: Woman Causes Uproar for Claiming Free Couch From NYC Sidewalk

Relatable Memes About the Human Agony of Stubbing a Toe

There are truly memes about absolutely everything. It’s kind of like Rule 34, except…a mostly cleaner phenomenon. For example, I just searched Google for «memes about itchy buttcracks» and there are at least thirty memes about this cringey topic. If I search «meme about dropping ice cream» there’s a similar wealth of examples. While there …
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