35 Silly Memes for Goofy Guys & Gals

As a wise man once said, «We’re all goofy goobers, yeah.» There’s an art to being silly. It requires some amount of letting go that isn’t always accessible to us. We walk around all day in suits of seriousness, pretending to be boring and normal when situations require us to (which they often do). Most of us only feel comfortable going full silly-bones around trusted friends and confidants. The best comedians know how to access it onstage. 

But even for them, if you meet them onstage, odds are they’ve already zipped up the normal suit again. We all let our goofiness out in doses. But what if we stripped down all those barriers? What would happen then? Would society simply collapse under the weight of its own lack of seriousness? I don’t know, but I think we should find out. We can start with this exceptionally silly list of memes. That should get the ball rolling perfectly. 

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