41 Flourishing Memes for Plant Parents Gushing Over Their Latest Pothos Propagation

In 2024, they say that, when it comes to care, plants are the new ‘pets’, pets are the new ‘kids’, and kids are the new ‘exotic animals’. Nothing says adulthood quite like the urge to bring living things into your home to take care of them. It’s just human nature! Plant parents can attest that …
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30+ Outdoorsy Memes For Nature-Loving Hikers, Campers, and Gardeners (April 25, 2024)

There are so many ways to enjoy going outside. Just because you don’t regularly go camping or hiking doesn’t mean you can’t hang out in the woods and have a grand old time. As a teen, I spent many Halloween nights crouching in the woods, scaring anyone passing by. I didn’t do this for my …
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30+ of the Best Outdoorsy Memes For Nature-Loving Hikers, Campers, and Gardeners (April 18, 2024)

It might be cliche, but isn’t the great outdoors just magical? I feel so lucky to live in a country with many different ways to experience nature, even in an increasingly industrialized world. There’s something so peaceful about driving through the Great Plains of America, peering out the window to see where our crops are …
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26 Memes for Plant Parents That’ll Leaf You Laughing

Ah, the joys and woes of being a plant parent. There’s something special about seeing your little green friends grow and thrive. The satisfaction of nurturing a plant from a tiny seedling to a fully-grown beauty is a feeling that only plant lovers can truly understand. And when your plant is going through a rough …
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Ingenious tenant uproots garden after landlord increases rent, sweet revenge ensues: ‘Should salt the earth for good measure’

Everyone loves a good revenge story. There’s something so sweet about watching someone fall prey to their deserved comeuppance. Life is so often random and unjust that it’s rare that bad people get what they deserve. Also, how many times have we come up with the perfect comeback… only days later, in the shower? Usually, …
Seguir leyendo Ingenious tenant uproots garden after landlord increases rent, sweet revenge ensues: ‘Should salt the earth for good measure’

20+ Silty Soil Memes for Mulchpilled Sisters of the Loam

Gardeners, dirt enjoyers, and people brainwashed by an absurd TikTok trend involving cute dogs and voice AI, rejoice! Today is a very special event. That’s right, we are here to celebrate World Soil Day. Good old fashioned dirt might be humble, but we all have a lot to thank it for. It is what grows …
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Plant Memes for Nature-Loving Gardeners and Outdoorsy Types

There’s no greater joy than seeing life grow and blossom before your very eyes. When you’re a kid, you might grow a tomato plant in your backyard or watch a green stem sprout from a dirt-filled styrofoam cup. Whether you create this life with your own hands or with the help of your parents or …
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40 Part-Sun Memes for Plant People to Propagate in the Window Sill

Every time life is spiraling out of control, plant people can’t help but buy another plant. With hundreds of plants in their collection at this point, what’s one more? Although, at what point does a gardening hobby turn into an obsession?  As someone who’s named all of their plant and given them little name tags …
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30+ Green Fingered Plant Memes for Nature Lovers Who Like to Bring the Outside Inside

A while back, I saw a TikTok that blew my mind. It was explaining all the different parts of the world that common houseplants come from. Turns out many of these leafy critters sitting on our windowsills have exotic roots. I probably should have realized this from the fact I don’t see most of them …
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‘Little old ladies are garden criminals’: Thieving nuns buy $800 worth of flowers daily, faithfully returning them within 24 hours everyday

Send her to the flower rental department