Old School Pics For People Who Want To Feel Nostalgic

As we all get older, naturally we start yearning more for the past. The ’80s and ’90s just seemed like simpler times, no? But at the end of the day, every generation thinks their childhood was the best decade. Pretty soon Zoomers will start feeling nostalgic for the 2000s era, and the rest of us …
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17 Millennial Memes That’ll Inspire You To Kill Every Industry

As everyone knows, Millennials are verifiably the worst generation in the history of humanity, and these memes prove it.

Forty-Six ’80s And ’90s Pics That Zoomers Just Won’t Get

We have to drop some truth here: past decades weren’t actually better and today’s kids aren’t any better or worse than kids of the past – the truth is, we’re all just nostalgic for our childhoods regardless of the decade, and we’re all a little bitter about the technology that kids today have. That being …
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Generational Sh*tposts About The Boomer-Millennial War

We’re pretty confident that as long as Baby Boomers are occupying this planet, the «Ok Boomer» phrase won’t get old – the memes have just been way too good to ignore. So please take a scroll through the following sh*tposts which contain Boomer, Millennial, and even a little but of Zoomer humor.

Hater-y Boomer Memes For The Frustrated Millennial

You’ve certainly already seen the ‘OK Boomer‘ meme trend and probably had a good hearty laugh over it if you’re a Millennial or Zoomer. In case you thought the Boomer roasting was over – it’s not. Here are 17 hilarious sh*t-talking memes that really put the old people in their place.