Disturbing Things Personal Trainers Want To Tell You, But Can’t

Most people who have gone to a gym have experienced their heavy promotion of personal trainers. I’m not rich enough for that luxury, but always found myself wondering if they’d help me achieve my fitness goals. That is, until I learned that personal trainers are kind of a scam, as the folks at Cracked so …
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Influencer’s Crusty Barefoot Gym Behavior Disgusts the People of Twitter

It’s a well-known fact that January is probably the worst month to be a gym member. While it’s never fun to share equipment (or space, or smells) with a host of strangers, the discomfort increases tenfold at the beginning of the year, when amateurs sign up for new memberships as part of their New Year’s …
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Luxury Gym Equinox Bans «New Years Resolutioners» From Joining On January 1st

There is a lot of hostility towards some people pursuing a New Years’ Resolution. It’s a widely accepted view that lazy people use the new year as an excuse to work on themselves when they would never have otherwise. I don’t completely agree with that; I think there are a lot of achievable goals you …
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Gym Memes For Swole Gym Rats

Lifting isn’t a phase; it’s a lifestyle. I have a pet theory that there are two groups of gym users: the cardio divas and the lifting bros. Of course, these groups have some overlap. Very few people who attend the gym regularly only do cardio or weights. However, I feel like the weight lifters make …
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