‘This guy is clearly a time traveler’: A surprising collection of photos that prove time isn’t real

Time, as they say, is a flat circle. What goes around absolutely comes around, as evidenced by the sudden pervasiveness of low-rise jeans and going-out tops. It’s no secret that trends come and go like cycles on a washing machine. But sometimes something comes along that none of us are quite ready for. Some pioneers …
Seguir leyendo ‘This guy is clearly a time traveler’: A surprising collection of photos that prove time isn’t real

‘We put man on the moon before wheels on suitcases’: 20+ Surprising historical facts to make you question reality

As the old saying goes, «Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.» But sometimes the past is so hard to wrap your head around that you can’t fully integrate it into your understanding of reality. As they often say, truth is stranger than fiction. Nobody knows that better than historians. The fact that always gets me is that Martin Luther …
Seguir leyendo ‘We put man on the moon before wheels on suitcases’: 20+ Surprising historical facts to make you question reality

30 Hilariously Chaotic Posts From Devious Dudes

Chaos abounds on the internet, but rarely is it good chaos. This happens to be a collection of good chaos. Usually, the internet is flooded with conflicting opinions and paradoxical information. It’s hard to know what’s true, what’s trolling, and what you should just ignore. But every now and then, someone leans into the inherent mess of the world, …
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‘People my age act like youre a wizard if you have hobbies beyond Hulu’: Hobbyists share what hobbies people over 25 can do besides drinking and going to the gym

As you grow older, the hobbies that used to shape your life tend to fall away. This could be for money reasons (those oil paints aren’t going to pay for themselves), getting embarrassed (it’s not cute to be a 40-year-old open mic comedian in a Rust Belt city), or truly aging out of things (once …
Seguir leyendo ‘People my age act like youre a wizard if you have hobbies beyond Hulu’: Hobbyists share what hobbies people over 25 can do besides drinking and going to the gym

‘Trillionaires coming into existence’: 20+ Predictions for the next 50 years that will 100% happen

Nobody has a crystal ball, but we can all dream. It’s so fun to think about what might come to pass in the next couple of decades. Personally, I’m hoping for a dream recording machine. I feel like we can’t be that far away from it, what with AI image generation and all. We just …
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25+ History Memes That Are Relevant Today and Tomorrow

We’ve gotta hand it to ourselves: considering that human beings have only been on Earth for about 0.007% of the entire time it has existed, we sure have done a lot of stuff and things. Naysayers will point out that we only consider these to be important because we have no sense of a wider …
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‘What were they thinking?’: 20+ Wildest Foods People Still Don’t Understand How Humans Discovered

Even if you were not a fan of history class in school, you have to admit that history and stories about people who lived in the same places we live right now are pretty interesting. My version of history class today as an adult is videos about how people used to get by, mainly explaining …
Seguir leyendo ‘What were they thinking?’: 20+ Wildest Foods People Still Don’t Understand How Humans Discovered

45 Ancient Rome Memes For History Dudes Still Mentally In 1025 AD

Why is Ancient Rome still such a popular historical period to obsess over? It’s one of the few places and times in the ancient world where we have so much documented about their history. There are a lot of emperors to memorize and tons of ground to cover. For me, the driving interest in Roman …
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‘The experience of boredom’: Gen X and older reveal x things about the 80s that pop culture forgets

Living through a period of time and looking back at it are two very different things. History is often told by unreliable narrators, even when those who experienced it are still alive. This is especially true when things become glamorized for Hollywood or the mainstream media. Most of the time, entertainment is going to triumph …
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‘The experience of boredom’: Gen X and older reveal 20 things about the 80s that pop culture forgets

Living through a period of time and looking back at it are two very different things. History is often told by unreliable narrators, even when those who experienced it are still alive. This is especially true when things become glamorized for Hollywood or the mainstream media. Most of the time, entertainment is going to triumph …
Seguir leyendo ‘The experience of boredom’: Gen X and older reveal 20 things about the 80s that pop culture forgets