‘You told security to keep us out’: Overprotective Parents Denied Entry to Daughter’s Home After She Orders Security to Lock Them Out

I have yet to meet parents who respect their kid’s boundaries. My mom for one, is a lovely person, but she doesn’t have a respectful bone in her body. She’ll tell the whole neighborhood about my dating life, despite my many pleas to not do that. She’ll also show up unannounced at my apartment in …
Seguir leyendo ‘You told security to keep us out’: Overprotective Parents Denied Entry to Daughter’s Home After She Orders Security to Lock Them Out

‘This is only the beginning of the craziness’: Greedy landlord raises roommate’s rent for using two ceiling fans in summer

Living with a landlord is like having an RA roommate in college. They’re probably gonna narc on you at some point. We all bend the rules every now and then, as is our right. We have to exercise our own selfishness sometimes, or else it’s going to come out in weird ways. Adults (at least …
Seguir leyendo ‘This is only the beginning of the craziness’: Greedy landlord raises roommate’s rent for using two ceiling fans in summer

Man lives in his sister’s house cheaply for 15 years, refuses to leave after being given a 1-year notice: ‘I had no choice but apply for a court order to evict them’

We have one of those family members who, when given an inch, takes a mile. It’s natural to want to help your kin in their times of need or in your time of bounty, but it isn’t easy to maintain boundaries once you’ve already offered endless assistance. If you let your sister and her husband …
Seguir leyendo Man lives in his sister’s house cheaply for 15 years, refuses to leave after being given a 1-year notice: ‘I had no choice but apply for a court order to evict them’

‘A frozen waffle in the VCR’: Some of the most ridiculous things toddlers have done around the house

It’s a rite of passage for pretty much every parent that those little bundles of joy soon grow up into tiny terrors. They don’t call them the terrible twos for nothing. Many with experience would argue that the problems begin with toddlers pretty much as soon as they begin to walk, and it can sometimes …
Seguir leyendo ‘A frozen waffle in the VCR’: Some of the most ridiculous things toddlers have done around the house

‘It’s embarrassing for a teen boy to live in a Barbie house’: 13-year-old asks his dad to repaint their pink house a ‘normal color’, gets backed up by grandma

When you’re a young teenager, everything is embarrassing. Never have you been so carefully monitored by everyone around you as you are from ages 12 to 14,  or at least that’s what it feels like. Kids are used to parents and teachers being in their business and telling them what to do, but when their …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s embarrassing for a teen boy to live in a Barbie house’: 13-year-old asks his dad to repaint their pink house a ‘normal color’, gets backed up by grandma

22 Homeowner Memes for Responsible Adults With Their Feet on the Property Ladder

Congratulations, you made it! You scrimped, saved, and avoided avocado toast like the plague, and now you get to tell everyone that you own the building that you call your home (mortgage notwithstanding). In a just world, the struggle that comes with home ownership would end there.  Unfortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth. …
Seguir leyendo 22 Homeowner Memes for Responsible Adults With Their Feet on the Property Ladder

5-year-old tells mom he got his friend’s address, presents adorable drawing of a house: ‘Cannot believe you’re doxxing a child’

I don’t care what anybody says! Kids are adorable, and their antics make the world a much better place. There has been a lot of anti-child sentiment spreading around Twitter lately, and honestly, I don’t get it. I understand not wanting to take on the responsibility of raising a child, but hating all kids because …
Seguir leyendo 5-year-old tells mom he got his friend’s address, presents adorable drawing of a house: ‘Cannot believe you’re doxxing a child’

‘Home renovation shows in 20-30 years will be erecting walls to heal the damage’: People debate the downfalls of open plan kitchens

Cooking is a great skill to have, but it can’t be denied that it’s one of the messier common pastimes. Even when we clean as we go, it can be pretty disheartening to see the pile of dishes that remain at the end of the process. Why, then, do so many of us desire to …
Seguir leyendo ‘Home renovation shows in 20-30 years will be erecting walls to heal the damage’: People debate the downfalls of open plan kitchens

31 Renter Memes That Give Experienced Tenants the Landlord Special

Landlords are easily the bad guys in everyone’s fairytale. Raising the rent by 20% after fulfilling their basic duties as a homeowner (ie: painting over the moths on the walls and the baseboards) has given landlords a false sense of prowess and power. They feel invincible like they can get away with anything.  Tangled in …
Seguir leyendo 31 Renter Memes That Give Experienced Tenants the Landlord Special

‘To be loved is to be seen’: Wholesome wife impresses internet with husband’s ingenious home improvements

Sometimes it can feel like nothing has had as much of a devastating impact on the reputation of marriage as social media has. Everywhere you look there seem to be longsuffering wives revealing their plight to millions, or couples engaging in such cringeworthy behavior that they encourage people to swear off relationships for life.  This …
Seguir leyendo ‘To be loved is to be seen’: Wholesome wife impresses internet with husband’s ingenious home improvements