‘This is why I lied to you’: Woman lies to her family about buying a country house so they won’t take advantage of it, they find out and demand a key

Listen, we know families are not easy to handle, sometimes having a close family can be more of a curse than a blessing. But still, those people are part of who you are, so you have a certain obligation towards them. That being said, a big problem can arise when the boundaries with your family …
Seguir leyendo ‘This is why I lied to you’: Woman lies to her family about buying a country house so they won’t take advantage of it, they find out and demand a key

‘I did his homework and now he wants to buy me a house’: Businessman reaches out to former classmate, offering her a house as payment for doing all his homework in high school

This story sounds like such a fairytale story, like one of those stories you always wish would happen to you when you think about different life scenarios before you fall asleep at night.  The original poster of this Reddit story (OP) started out by talking about her experience in high school. She had a disability …
Seguir leyendo ‘I did his homework and now he wants to buy me a house’: Businessman reaches out to former classmate, offering her a house as payment for doing all his homework in high school

‘We called up our landlord’: Roommates Get Their New Neighbors Evicted in Less Than a Month

Imagine your neighbors are noisy. Not just any kind of noisy, but the vacuuming at 3 am, stomping, and yelling at odd hours kind of noisy. Starting to get the picture? Good, because these neighbors that OP described were the absolute worst. Besides the noise disturbances late at night, these neighbors also made false claims …
Seguir leyendo ‘We called up our landlord’: Roommates Get Their New Neighbors Evicted in Less Than a Month

Foster Parents Demand 33 Year Old Son Move Back in So They Can Benefit From His Income

There is a reason foster care has gained such a questionable reputation. A lot of people play the system to make some extra money off these kids. One 33-year-old man recounted his troubled upbringing in foster care, where he was asked to leave at 18 due to the end of a paid fostering scheme by …
Seguir leyendo Foster Parents Demand 33 Year Old Son Move Back in So They Can Benefit From His Income

Weekly Internet Roundup: Photoshopped Landings, Sydney Sweeney on ‘Hot Ones’, and Trauma Dumping on Elmo

Also: TikTok loses (some) music.

‘Any creative solutions?’: Real estate expert bemoans newbuild design feature, starts ridiculous interior design meme

I sure am glad that I’m not an architect. You have to think about so many different things, even when you’re designing something as humble as a house. The result could be a livable, admirable work of art — or, as with much of middle America, it could be yet another take on McMansion hell.  …
Seguir leyendo ‘Any creative solutions?’: Real estate expert bemoans newbuild design feature, starts ridiculous interior design meme

20+ Home Decor Memes to Accessorize the Living Room With

One thing that makes me glad that I don’t own my own home is that I’m not held responsible for most of the repairs it might need. That’s a landlord problem, through and through. On the other hand, it also makes me frustratingly limited with what I can do with the fun stuff, i.e. home …
Seguir leyendo 20+ Home Decor Memes to Accessorize the Living Room With

‘Insane person behavior’: People debate the normality of not leaving the house for one day

As somebody who frequently works from home, I have an added appreciation for that mystical thing that normal people call ‘going outside’. I know how easy it can be to shut yourself in with your laptop and some food and not take a full breath of fresh air for 24 hours or more. If you’re …
Seguir leyendo ‘Insane person behavior’: People debate the normality of not leaving the house for one day

31 Neat N’ Tidy Memes to Help Procrastinate Cleaning Your Room

It’s 2024. Oof. None of us were ready for this. Fortunately, the new year is a time when we can reflect on the past and plan for the future. In layman’s terms, it means we acknowledge that we’ve been a dirtbag and are going to attempt to turn a new leaf! For me, that means …
Seguir leyendo 31 Neat N’ Tidy Memes to Help Procrastinate Cleaning Your Room

‘Having a little solo time becomes crucial’: Cameron Diaz Reveals She Prefers to Sleep in Separate Room to Husband, Sparks Debate on Personal Space in Relationships

I always feel a little guilty when I share a bed with someone else. I do enough nose-blowing and anxious pre-sleep bathroom trips to really annoy somebody who just wants some shuteye. By the same token, I have a low tolerance for persistent snorers — no earplugs are going to take away the sound of …
Seguir leyendo ‘Having a little solo time becomes crucial’: Cameron Diaz Reveals She Prefers to Sleep in Separate Room to Husband, Sparks Debate on Personal Space in Relationships