‘Having a little solo time becomes crucial’: Cameron Diaz Reveals She Prefers to Sleep in Separate Room to Husband, Sparks Debate on Personal Space in Relationships

I always feel a little guilty when I share a bed with someone else. I do enough nose-blowing and anxious pre-sleep bathroom trips to really annoy somebody who just wants some shuteye. By the same token, I have a low tolerance for persistent snorers — no earplugs are going to take away the sound of an individual who needs a sleep apnea diagnosis.

It’s true, sleeping beside somebody can be intimate in bad ways. Cuddling is great and all, but sometimes what you need to be able to look your partner in the eye with a smile the next morning is a good night’s sleep that you are only going to get by yourself. Cameron Diaz recently revealed that this is something she believes in, even going as far as saying «I have my house, you have yours». 

When Diaz’s remarks hit Twitter, it wasn’t long before people started sharing their opinions on this kind of arrangement. While everyone is allowed their preferences, it does seem silly that this topic can be so taboo. 

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