‘I wake up at 4:30 AM every day’: Millennials who grew up living with their grandparents reveal the old people things they do

Despite the reputation that they often make for themselves on the internet, we can learn a lot from old people. It’s true that in some ways, they had to live in tougher times than we do. It’s easy to roll our eyes at their habits and sayings when we’re growing up, but as an adult? …
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25+ Haircut Memes for Taking Just a Little off the Top

Getting a haircut is like making a deal with God. You put your life in someone else’s hands with the hope that you will be delivered back better, more whole. It’s one of the greatest risks we take as humans, because in the words of Fleabag, «Hair is everything. We wish it wasn’t so we could actually …
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‘One of the dumbest social customs of all time’: Dude Sparks Debate Slamming Homes With ‘Shoes Off’ Policies

My parents are the exact opposite of clean freaks, but I was raised in a pretty strict shoes off home. To me, it makes perfect sense. No matter how careful we are, we trudge through all manner of dirt and grime in our footwear when we go outside. Why on earth would we be OK …
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Fastidious Brusher Shames People Who Keep Their Toothbrush in the Bathroom, Start Debate on Cleanliness

Social media has brought in countless exhausting trends since its inception. Sometimes they revolve around something stupid, like the Tide Pod challenge, and other times they’re all about shaming people. The very worst combine these two aspects, as with the exhaustion that is the Hygiene Olympics. The premise is exactly like it sounds: it’s people …
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24 Dentist Memes for Anxious Patients and Tooth Care Connoisseurs

Fearing the dentist is a strange, but reasonable fear. Most people don’t fear a check-up from a general care practitioner, so why is the dental check-up so fearsome? It really comes down to the fact that if you’ve let your teeth go, there’s a pretty good chance that the dentist will want to put a …
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Women of the Internet Share Their Instant Turn-Offs

«I’m a comedian.»  Three words, beginning with a contraction, that make me back away in revulsion. Back when I had Tinder, I listed two kinds of people who I simply would not converse with: The above self-proclaimed funnymen, and burners. Burners, as in Burning Man attendees. These types of people and their personalities (for the …
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People Debate the Pros and Cons of Meal Prep

I know I can’t be the only person who has been seeing people virtue-signaling their healthy routines online. The number of times I’ve watched videos or seen photos of people meal-prepping or organizing their vegetables has become ridiculous. As much as I’d like to be someone who can set and forget their meals for the …
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Woman Prompts Horror by Testing if Boyfriend Showers With Soap

One of many stereotypes that a lot of men refuse to prove wrong is that they don’t have good personal hygiene. The internet is littered with horror stories about confirmed dirtbags, concerning everything from how often they brush their teeth, to not wiping properly.  These tales are bad enough by themselves, but what’s worse is …
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Horrible Mother Doesn’t Bathe Her Son For a Month, Gets Angry When Her Grandmother Criticizes Her Parenting

 When I was a kid, I had to take a bath or a shower every day, a tradition I’ve continued throughout my life. When you’re a kid, you get dirty quickly and must be washed often. As I scroll through parenting TikTok, I get increasingly disgusted with the hot takes about hygiene. The number of …
Seguir leyendo Horrible Mother Doesn’t Bathe Her Son For a Month, Gets Angry When Her Grandmother Criticizes Her Parenting