20 Cringey Neckbeard Moments That Reek of Misogyny

It’s easy to joke about neckbeards if you spend any time on the internet. The fedora-tipping «m’lady» business might seem well-meaning, but it’s often laced with some seriously misogynistic and incel-esque behavior. Meme accounts like @neckbeardfancy and subreddits like  r/justneckbeardthings provide ample proof of these patterns. And while they’re incredibly cringey and unpleasant, we cannot …
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20 Times 4chan Was Uncharacteristically Heartwarming

4chan gets a pretty bad rap for being a toxic community of bigots, incels, and trolls, and for good reason. There are plenty of troubling screenshots floating around that could be used to support the case against 4chan. But it would be lazy to write all of 4chan off as one big group of shitty …
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Cringey Tough Guys With Delusions of Grandeur

There’s no shortage of insecure people who need to convince everyone around them of how badass they are, and boy do they make themselves known on the internet. Whether they’re posting empty threats to no one in particular or aggressively captioned mirror selfies of their epic ripped six packs, they make sure there’s no doubt …
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Incel Roasted After Sharing Misogynistic Meme

Not much in this world annoys us as much as an angry «nice guy» who takes pleasure in victimizing themselves while painting a very ugly picture of women. Sure, hangnails and getting stuck behind a slow walker can be brutal. But they really can’t compare to the misdirected ire of a young man who feels …
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15+ Embarrassing People Who Need to Log Off Immediately

We don’t need to tell you that the internet is full of cringe. As hard as you might try to look away, the cringe will follow you. Embarrassing people who consistently flaunt their worst qualities online cannot be forced to log off, but at least we can point and laugh at their shameful posts. We’ve …
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15+ Cringey Pics & Facepalm-Worthy Moments

People always warn against comparing yourself to others, but when you’re given the opportunity to pinpoint the vast differences between you and human garbage fires, you’ll end up feeling pretty freakin’ great. These tidbits from Reddit and facepalm-inspiring social media posts are guaranteed to up your self esteem. If these don’t have you feelin’ like …
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Neckbeardy Memes & Moments That Reek Of Desperation

We’re gonna go ahead and say it: «Not all neckbeards.» But even though we know that not all fedora tipping gentlemen are misogynistic creeps, there’s evidence on r/justneckbeardthings, @neckbeardfancy, and pretty much any comment section that aggressive desperation is definitely a trend. These posts and memes make for some serious proof. 

18 Cringey Tough Guys Who Think They’re Very Badass

There’s no shortage of insecure people who need to convince everyone around them of how badass they are, and boy do they make themselves known on the internet. Whether they’re posting empty threats to no one in particular or aggressively captioned mirror selfies of their epic ripped six packs, they make sure there’s no doubt …
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19 Cringey Pics & Facepalm-Worthy Moments

People always warn against comparing yourself to others, but when you’re given the opportunity to pinpoint the vast differences between you and human garbage fires, you’ll end up feeling pretty freakin’ great. These tidbits from Reddit and facepalm-inspiring social media posts are guaranteed to up your self esteem. If these don’t have you feelin’ like …
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The Zodiac Signs As Cringey Neckbeards

There’s nothing more we love than the pure cringe of neckbeard content. Now, thanks to one enterprising content creator, we can blindly relate to these tough guys using the questionable science of astrology! It’s hard to pick a favorite astrological sign, but remember to use your rising and moon signs to make sure you get …
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