Star Wars Memes For Prequel Defenders

Contrary to popular belief, not every Star Wars fan is a complete and utter hater of the prequels. If you’re a bitter, Gen X original trilogy purist who watched the first Star Wars in theatres before one could even dream of it one day being called «A New Hope,» I can understand how the prequels …
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The Best Star Wars Memes This Week (March 27, 2022)

What’s a drama, a sci-fi, immense fandom, cash cow and emotional rollercoaster all combined into one? That’s right, it’s the Star Wars franchise. The extended universe spewed up from the brain of George Lucas is responsible for some of the most iconic pop culture moments for almost half a century, and that’s no mean feat.  …
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The Best Star Wars Memes This Week

When we think about popular movies that changed millions of lives, there have got to be a couple in the Star Wars series that are near the top of the list. Exactly which ones these are might be up for debate in some circles, but the impact remains nonetheless. From the original trilogy right through …
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36 Star Wars Memes With Plenty Of Nerdy References

Paging all Star Wars fans! We’re serving up another gallery of dank, dumb, and super referential memes from the movie’s vast universe. While most of these humorous tidbits are devoted to the highly meme-able prequels, there’s still some enjoyable comedy for lovers of the classic trilogy. And, of course, a whole lot of memes about …
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Spicy Star Wars Memes That Are More Fun Than The Prequels

Okay, before you get mad at us for indirectly insulting the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, just hear us out. Without those 418 hours of boring dialogue and confusing plot holes, we wouldn’t have the sea of dank prequel memes we have today, so in a way we’re giving George Lucas a compliment. You’re welcome. Whether …
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