‘Trillionaires coming into existence’: 20+ Predictions for the next 50 years that will 100% happen

Nobody has a crystal ball, but we can all dream. It’s so fun to think about what might come to pass in the next couple of decades. Personally, I’m hoping for a dream recording machine. I feel like we can’t be that far away from it, what with AI image generation and all. We just …
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30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (May 16, 2024)

We’ve all had a moment when we’ve genuinely thought, «Kids these days.» We go the first part of our lives thinking we’re the youngest and hippest people who have ever lived, and that attitude is hard to shake. That is until the generation below you starts doing things that you don’t understand.  As for me, I feel pretty young until I log onto FamousBirthdays.com. Those …
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28 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (May 9, 2024)

Every age is a new battle. When they’re infants, it’s all about keeping them alive. When they’re toddlers, it’s all about keeping them alive. When they’re teenager, it’s all about keeping them… alive. Huh, I guess maybe it’s the same at every age. But watching a kid grow can be a trippy experience. One minute, they’re …
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30+ of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (May 2, 2024)

There seem to be a few inevitables in this life (like death and taxes, famously), but one of them is turning into your parents. You can go your whole life trying to do the exact opposite of the people who raised you, but one day you’ll find yourself holding your phone a full arm’s length from your …
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35 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (April 25, 2024)

Baby fever is real. You can go your whole life not thinking babies are cute, and then see one video of a baby hearing his mother’s voice for the first time (using a hearing aid) and suddenly you’re roaming the halls of Buy Buy Baby, picking up little socks just to feel something. It happens to the strongest of …
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30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (March 11, 2024)

What did parents do before the internet? Nowadays, we’re inundated with so much parenting information, advice, and general discussion that it’s hard to lift our heads above water. From mommy blogs to family TikTokers to your overbearing aunt commenting on your Facebook status, parents are getting unsolicited advice from all angles. I’m sure this happened …
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‘Letting the tablet raise them’: Parents share the parenting trends they disagree with

Throughout the past 100 years, many different parenting trends have gone in and out of style. One of the biggest trends that has all but dissipated is parents leaving their kids outside to play by themselves for hours at a time. Starting with panic about child abductions in the 80s, compounded with the rise of …
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Lazy student refuses to participate in group project, cries to teacher when he gets an F: ‘[He] tried to blame us for him not participating’

We’ve all been in situations where one person in a group is not pulling their weight. This happens in every corner of life, whether it be someone at your job doing a lot more talking than working or at school where one of the kids expects every other kid in their group project to cover …
Seguir leyendo Lazy student refuses to participate in group project, cries to teacher when he gets an F: ‘[He] tried to blame us for him not participating’

5-year-old stars the day with a chocolate bar and iPad time, commenters chastise parents: ‘What level of brain rot’

I was a picky kid. There wasn’t a lot I’d be willing to eat for breakfast, but cereal was one of them. I craved that hit of sugar in the mornings. I still do, though I realize that a bowl of cereal is not nearly enough to keep me sustained for more than an hour. …
Seguir leyendo 5-year-old stars the day with a chocolate bar and iPad time, commenters chastise parents: ‘What level of brain rot’

30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (March 21, 2024)

Mealtimes become radically different when you’re a parent. Right now, I have the freedom to eat when I choose to, whatever I want, in front of the TV if I feel like it, or at a nice restaurant when I’m feeling special. I don’t have to worry about what I order, how late it is, …
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