30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (February 22, 2024)

Remember when you were young and you felt like everything your parents did was unfair? I remember raging against bedtime, feeling like I’d give anything to stay up for another episode of Spongebob. I didn’t understand why my parents insisted that I needed a full night’s sleep. I was a kid who had energy and …
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‘I embarrassed his child and labeled her a thief’: Parents reprimand teacher for catching their daughter trying to steal a tablet

Teaching kids how to be good humans is a collaborative effort between their parents, teachers, and all other adults in their lives. It truly does take a village, and if the adults closest to a kid aren’t on the same page regarding standards of behavior, it’s much more challenging to make them into good adults.  …
Seguir leyendo ‘I embarrassed his child and labeled her a thief’: Parents reprimand teacher for catching their daughter trying to steal a tablet

The Wildest Unpopular Opinions of the Week (February 11, 2024)

Unpopular opinions: everybody has them, but some people are better at gauging whether their opinions are actually unpopular than others. Let’s play a little game; I’ll share one of my unpopular opinions, and you get to tell me whether it’s actually unpopular or not! Here we go: I don’t think going to therapy inherently makes …
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‘If one kid wants dinner now, then I make dinner’: Mom criticizes babysitting grandma for offering her son fruit instead of cooking dinner 2 hours early

It’s a tale as old as time: you walk up to your mom and tell her you’re hungry for dinner. She says that she’s not making dinner for another hour or so. Then, she offers you some fruit to quell your hunger but not ruin your appetite. You refuse and choose to be miserable until …
Seguir leyendo ‘If one kid wants dinner now, then I make dinner’: Mom criticizes babysitting grandma for offering her son fruit instead of cooking dinner 2 hours early

‘Of course we’re obsessed with skincare’: Child influencers sing praises of skincare and makeup, sparking debates about child labor laws for social media

I don’t know about you all, but I’m terrified about how unregulated the «child influencer» industry is. I have no problem with adults wanting to revolve their entire lives around posting content about their daily happenings online. I wouldn’t like that for myself, but to eat his own. What really freaks me out is when …
Seguir leyendo ‘Of course we’re obsessed with skincare’: Child influencers sing praises of skincare and makeup, sparking debates about child labor laws for social media

25+ Teacher Memes For Educators Counting Down Until Spring Break

I will fight anybody who thinks teachers get too much time off. If anything, they should get even more time to do as they please because they are doing one of the most critical jobs in the world. They are the most essential profession, IMHO.   It’s a common misconception that teachers only work during school …
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‘[She] spilled it on my papers’: Kindergartener steals teacher’s iced coffee, spills it all over her desk

Some kids have absolutely no boundaries, and I was one of them! I was one of the most terrifying types of kids to people who don’t like being touched; I was a hugger, and nothing could stop me from going up to absolute strangers and wrapping my gangly arms around them. Somebody really should’ve told …
Seguir leyendo ‘[She] spilled it on my papers’: Kindergartener steals teacher’s iced coffee, spills it all over her desk

‘I don’t **** with thieves’: Mom cancels Christmas after catching her 6-year-old stealing $70 from her purse

When you’re a kid, the threat of being put on the naughty list is usually enough to make you be on your best behavior for that last month of the year. I wholeheartedly believed in the surveillance state of Santa and was a bit paranoid that any wrong move I made would result in me …
Seguir leyendo ‘I don’t **** with thieves’: Mom cancels Christmas after catching her 6-year-old stealing $70 from her purse

30+ Karen Sympathizers Reveal Their Most Boomer-Friendly Complaints

Old age comes to us all, if we’re lucky. For some this is a process that happens quicker than with others, and you see the signs in your attitude towards life as much as you do in your body. Staying in suddenly becomes the pinnacle of the Friday night experience. You finally start caring about …
Seguir leyendo 30+ Karen Sympathizers Reveal Their Most Boomer-Friendly Complaints

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (November 23, 2023)

It’s Thanksgiving, a holiday usually centered around family. This can be a wonderful thing, as generations come together to sit around a table, share food, tell stories, and remember what we’re grateful for. It’s a simple holiday, perfect for cherishing the little things. Family-centric holidays can also be times of high stress, especially for parents …
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