‘But we’re a family’: The best relatable work memes this week (April 8, 2024)

Responsibility is no bad thing. However, it can seem that way when it comes down to the things that we have to be responsible for. This is especially true in the workplace, where many of us are tasked with holding down the fort in ways both pointless and annoying. As if that wasn’t bad enough, …
Seguir leyendo ‘But we’re a family’: The best relatable work memes this week (April 8, 2024)

‘I must get out of here as quick as possible’: The best relatable work memes this week (April 1, 2024)

Happy April Fool’s Day, employees all over the world. No matter what pranks you may otherwise be at the receiving end of, the real joke today is that you’re stuck on the grind just so you’re able to afford the bills this month!  Working life isn’t the most terrible thing in the world, but there …
Seguir leyendo ‘I must get out of here as quick as possible’: The best relatable work memes this week (April 1, 2024)

38 Memes to Stuff in Your Desk Drawer When You Take the Day Off

You glare at your calendar, wondering who decided on a 5 day work week. You’re supposed to be taking time off soon, that is, only if your boss approves… And they do not like it when their employees enjoy themselves, so you can only hope they’ll wake up on the right side of the bed …
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‘Complete your job, then leave quietly’: Top Mildly Infuriating Stories of the Week

People are so, so annoying. On a flight, they’ll put their feet on your armrest (I cannot fathom how somebody dares to do this), they’ll push past you in line at the supermarket, they’ll block your car in when you’re about to leave for work… You know, the usual Karen stuff. Is there any good …
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‘It took them almost TWO months’: Incompetent company accidentally fire employee, don’t realize until mandatory training

Let’s face it, many of the jobs that exist in the market today are kind of useless. If every nurse or cleaner quit their job tomorrow, we would be in trouble, but if the same thing happened to every business consultant? It’s not like most of us would notice.  That said, the one place you …
Seguir leyendo ‘It took them almost TWO months’: Incompetent company accidentally fire employee, don’t realize until mandatory training

38 Memes to Scroll Through on Your Coffee Break

You know the feeling when your eyes start to twitch from staring at your screen for too long? You get up to make yourself a cup of coffee because naturally, you need a break, and on the way to the kitchenette or whatever you have at work, you stumble into your boss. They give you …
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‘It’s not your job to Cover shifts’: Manager expects employee to work off the clock, employee threatens to quit

I think being a manager in a customer service job might be one of the worst gigs out there. Not only do you have all the pain and annoyance of working that kind of job, but you also have the added responsibility of everything going wrong falling on your shoulders. You’re the ultimate fall guy. …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s not your job to Cover shifts’: Manager expects employee to work off the clock, employee threatens to quit

‘Two milestones at work, 1. lunch 2. leaving’: The best relatable work memes this week (March 25, 2024)

I challenge you to find an adult with a job who hasn’t woken up some mornings and thought «do I really have to do this for forty more years?». Even those who work in their dream role have off days, which leaves very little hope for the rest of us. The fact of the matter …
Seguir leyendo ‘Two milestones at work, 1. lunch 2. leaving’: The best relatable work memes this week (March 25, 2024)

20+ Works Memes for Employees Yearning to Say ‘I Quit’

Why put in your two weeks when you can just send a list of memes that say you’re quitting?

20+ Work Memes for Employees Yearning to Say ‘I Quit’

Why put in your two weeks when you can just send a list of memes that say you’re quitting?