A Selection of STEM Memes Chock-Full of Nerdy Humor

We owe a lot to the world of math, science, and engineering. If it weren’t for developments in these areas, we’d probably still be living in caves — and even worse, we wouldn’t know how to create something like the Hadron Collider. Thanks to the wonders of technology, many of us are allowed a decent …
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Absurd Mashup of Infamous Philosophical Problems Sparks Amusing Thread

If you’re unfamiliar with the Trolley Problem, it’s a thought experiment that deals with the ethical dilemma of whether to sacrifice one person to save many. According to Wikipedia, the original dilemma goes something like this: ‘there is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied …
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Watch Cracked Fix 4 Movie Dystopias With Math

Everybody acts like living in a horrific movie crime dystopia like the ones in Dredd or A Scanner Darkly would be SO BAD, but actually if you do the math, they’re all pretty much fine (if it weren’t for all the future cops). Future cops suck. Especially in Minority Report.

Girl Does Basic Division, The Simple Math Breaks Everyone’s Brains

Out of all of humanity’s inventions, numbers are by far some of the weirdest. When the Babylonians sat down and decided Algebra was a good idea, you know they must’ve been seriously bored. That said, we’ve got to acknowledge that calculations are a big part of the reason that we have come this far. However, …
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Simple Fifth-Grade Math Equation Inspires Heated Debate On Twitter

What started out as a tweet asking followers to solve a (seemingly) very simple math problem turned into quite the heated debate between laypeople and mathematiciansalike about the correct way to use the order of operations. Needless to say, most of us have not so much as looked at a math problem since high school. …
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30 Dank Mathematical Memes For Big Brains

We know that math has a bad reputation for being the most hated school subject by the average kid, but the truth is, a lot of big-brained geeks out there are obsessed with numbers and equations—and there’s plenty of reason to be! Without math, we never could have sent rockets into space. We would never …
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Math Memes For People Who Understand This Crap

Before you scroll down, we have to give the disclaimer that these memes are for people who actually understand math. So if you’re 35 years old and haven’t taken a math class since algebra II during your senior year of high school, then these might not be the memes for you.  If you’re more of …
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