25+ Teacher Memes For Exhausted Educators Ready For Field Trip Season

Congratulations, teachers! You’ve finally reached the end of the school year, and all of the chaos, madness and confusion that comes with it. Sure, the unique madness of state exams are mostly over and done with, but you still have final exams creeping around the corner. If you’re a K-8 teacher, you probably have no …
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29 Memes for Teachers Counting Down the Lesson Plans Until Summer Break

Attention, teachers! You have made it through the chaos of the first week of classes, the holiday rush, and spring break. Now, the countdown to summer has begun. You’re almost there, so keep your spirits up! The weather is getting warmer, recess is getting longer, and lesson plans are getting easier. The end of the …
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‘Square dancing’: Former students share the most useless things they learned in school

When it comes down to it, much of the information we learn in school does not pertain to our everyday lives. Sure, maybe the skills I learned in English class are pertinent to my current career, but I’m not thinking about the contents of my Chemistry or Physics classes regularly in my adult life.  To …
Seguir leyendo ‘Square dancing’: Former students share the most useless things they learned in school

‘Suspensions are absolutely a vacation’: Teachers reveal their hot takes about the profession

Teaching is not a profession for the weak. The hours are long, the pay isn’t enough, and the rewards can sometimes seem nonexistent. Do you know what this does make the job good for, though? Complaining! After spending enough time around those thankless kids, you start to have some pretty strong opinions on the whole …
Seguir leyendo ‘Suspensions are absolutely a vacation’: Teachers reveal their hot takes about the profession

30 Teacher Memes for Educators on the Brink of Spring Break

Teachers, you’re almost there. I know you can catch a whiff of your bright, beautiful week off ahead of you, and it already tastes so good. Sure, much of it will be spent catching up on grading and stewing in the inevitable last leg of the semester, but you don’t need to worry about that …
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‘I have seen students who can’t write a complete sentence’: Teachers share the innumerable ways their students are significantly behind

It’s no secret that many kids are getting left behind in the education system. When I was a kid, America was all about not leaving kids behind in this exact setting (when I was a kid, I thought it was about getting left behind at the grocery store), but now that it’s been 20 years …
Seguir leyendo ‘I have seen students who can’t write a complete sentence’: Teachers share the innumerable ways their students are significantly behind

30 Teacher Memes To Pass Around The Teacher’s Lounge

There are so many reasons I cannot imagine being a teacher, but one of the main ones is that I’d be completely outnumbered. Even if I taught at a school with a nice and low student-to-teacher ratio, those kids would always be able to overpower me if they decided to lay siege on my person. …
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25+ School Memes For Exhausted Students

School days, school days, teacher’s golden rule days. Many adults claim that your school years are the easiest part of your life, but I couldn’t disagree more. There’s so much expectation put upon schoolchildren! Instead of having one or two bosses to report to, you have eight teachers, parents, and every other adult in your …
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25+ Teacher Memes For Educators Counting Down Until Spring Break

I will fight anybody who thinks teachers get too much time off. If anything, they should get even more time to do as they please because they are doing one of the most critical jobs in the world. They are the most essential profession, IMHO.   It’s a common misconception that teachers only work during school …
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Facts Redditors Were Taught in Grade School That Turned out to Be Utter Phooey

Information is ever-evolving. That’s why there are new editions of textbooks, up-to-date encyclopedias, and good folks working tirelessly to constantly update Wikipedia pages (I’m NOT looking at you, Wiki-vandals). We’re always learning new things, observing new phenomena, and doing new research. They used to teach that Pluto was a planet. I’m still salty about that …
Seguir leyendo Facts Redditors Were Taught in Grade School That Turned out to Be Utter Phooey