Noir Memes For Mystery Solving Detectives Smoking a Pipe With a Femme Fatal on One Arm

I kind of wish that the film noir genre still existed today outside of Batman movies. Was I counting down the days until The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson, came out? Absolutely I was. But do I wish that we had movies like Mildred Pierce coming out today? Again, absolutely. In the modern mind, noir mostly …
Seguir leyendo Noir Memes For Mystery Solving Detectives Smoking a Pipe With a Femme Fatal on One Arm

People Roast Movies That Made Them Go ‘Holy Cow, There’s Still an Hour Left?’

Whenever I’m on a long flight, I like to watch mindlessly entertaining movies because they’re great time-killers. Well, if you find yourself scrolling through your airline’s entertainment library and you’re trying to choose something that’ll make time go a little faster, do not—I repeat—DO NOT watch The Da Vinci Code. The 2 hour and 29 …
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Customer Stiffs Dine-In Movie Theatre Waiter Because He Served Them While They Were Crying

There is a lot of contentious discourse about tipping these days. I believe there’s some merit to the idea that you should not have to tip after every transaction. However, if you’re sitting down and being served by a waiter, it is your duty (at least if you’re an American) to tip your server.  Dine-in …
Seguir leyendo Customer Stiffs Dine-In Movie Theatre Waiter Because He Served Them While They Were Crying

25 Pixar Memes for Animation Lovers and Aficionados

A lot of people treat animated media as if it’s lesser, childish, and not to be taken seriously. Obviously, that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m not going to pretend that I’m some sort of animation expert, but if you’ve seen a single Studio Ghibli film, Pixar, or even just the newest Spider-Verse flick, …
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25 Hilarious Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of The Force (August 23, 2023)

Happy Wednesday, Midichlorian-meme lovers and all-around superfans of the galaxy far, far away. It’s, once again, that midweek day when we give you the most force-sensitive memes available on the market. Now let’s talk Star Wars.  I know it’s not always proper to assume, but if you’re here, you have a passing interest in Star …
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Gen Z Teens Watch Movies in 20 Minutes by Speeding Them up And Skipping Sentimental Bits

I hate to be hyperbolic about Gen Z and the impact social media is having on us, but in some cases, it’s necessary. Finding out that someone can’t sit through a movie that’s longer than 90 minutes without getting squirmy is horrifying. What’s worse is that some people can’t even sit through such a  short …
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Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (August 22, 2023)

Greetings, Lord of the Rings obsessives. I have a question for you: how does it feel to be one of the most prolific and dedicated meme making fandoms on the internet? Seriously, this meme serial has been running for about a million years, and still the hobbit lovers out there keep on coming up with …
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30+ Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (August 21, 2023)

Happy Monday, deep space fiction devotees and interstellar-media-leaning individuals. It’s the start of the work week and you know what that means! A significantly nerdy selection of science fiction memes. Let’s talk sci-fi. A friend of mine recently purchased a collection of the «Dune» books as a gift for me. The thing is, the only …
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25 Jurassic Park Memes for Dinosaur Devotees

The day I found out that Michael Crichton’s «Jurassic Park» was an optional reading for a project in my honors biology class was one of the only times the public school science curriculum sent me over the moon. It was later that day that I learned the hard lesson of just how different movie adaptations …
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25+ Hilarious Marvel Memes for Superhero Fiends (August 18, 2023)

Happy Friday, Marvel mavens and superhero sycophants! It’s once again that special, special time of the week when we cap things off with a healthy slew of comic book hero memes. It’s a weird feeling to have been witness to the beginnings of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. First, it makes me feel my age. «Iron …
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