Gen Z Teens Watch Movies in 20 Minutes by Speeding Them up And Skipping Sentimental Bits

I hate to be hyperbolic about Gen Z and the impact social media is having on us, but in some cases, it’s necessary. Finding out that someone can’t sit through a movie that’s longer than 90 minutes without getting squirmy is horrifying. What’s worse is that some people can’t even sit through such a  short movie without pulling out their phones to check social media. When you go on TikTok, you start to see the depth and breadth of the deterioration of Gen Zs attention spans. There are movies uploaded to TikTok in multiple parts, but the screen is always shared with some mindless «satisfying» video of slime or kinetic sand. All of that is nothing compared to what a recent TikTok video just revealed about Gen Z media consumption. Apparently, some young people just fast-forward through parts of TV shows and movies that have «too much talking» so they can watch a movie in under 30 minutes. 

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