20 Neckbeard Memes & Moments That Reek Of Desperation

We’re gonna go ahead and say it: «Not all neckbeards.» But even though we know that not all fedora tipping gentlemen are misogynistic creeps, there’s evidence on r/justneckbeardthings, @neckbeardfancy, and pretty much any comment section that aggressive desperation is definitely a trend. These posts and memes make for some serious proof. 

21 Cringey Tough Guys Who Need To Relax

For some reason there are people on the internet who feel the need to express how tough they are to the rest of the world. It’s an easy thing to do when you’re behind a computer, and these men and women do not hold back in this area. Their posts, which lately are often anti-mask …
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Cringe Pics That’ll Introduce Your Palm To Your Face

Think your friends hate you and that you’re a total weirdo? Feel like you’ve made a lot of bad decisions? These cringey people might help to put things into perspective.

35 Cringey Memes & Posts From Planet Neckbeard

Every now and then we need some serious cringeworthy shock to be appreciative of the company we keep and the people we love. These corny and often creepy posts are enough to keep you wondering about humanity. But it’s important to remember that there are a lot of normal people still out there. We promise.

19 Neckbeard Memes Ranging From Amusing To Cringey

All hail the neckbeard! The katana-wielding, fedora-tipping gentlemen that remind us that we shouldn’t plan on seeing Joker in theaters, and that deodorant is very, very important. 

20 ‘Nice Guys’ Who Showed Their Toxic Entitlement

There’s been a lot of talk about incels and ‘nice guys‘ over the past few years, and for good reason. There really are dudes out there who fervently believe they’re entitled to the affection of women just because they treat them with a modicum of kindness. Sadly, they don’t realize that being benevolent in order …
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24 Cringey Pics To Make You Feel Better About Yourself

People always warn against comparing yourself to others, but when you’re given the opportunity to pinpoint the vast differences between you and human garbage fires, you’ll end up feeling pretty freakin’ great. These tidbits from Reddit and facepalm-inspiring social media posts are guaranteed to up your self esteem. If these don’t have you feelin’ like …
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20 Cringey Neckbeard Moments Dripping With Gross Misogyny

It’s easy to joke about neckbeards if you spend any time on the internet. The fedora-tipping «m’lady» business might seem well-meaning, but it’s often laced with some seriously misogynistic and incel-esque behavior. Meme accounts like @neckbeardfancy and subreddits like  r/justneckbeardthings provide ample proof of these patterns. And while they’re incredibly cringey and unpleasant, we cannot …
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Misogyny-Tinged Neckbeard Memes & Moments

If you needed proof that chivalry is dead, we’ve got it right here for you. These fedora-tipping neckbeardsmay think their use of «m’lady» makes them gentlemen, but at the first sign of rejection, they lash out in a Mountain Dew-fueled rage. This incel-esque behavior can be witnessed on nearly any website with a comment or messaging …
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Dude Slides Into Married Woman’s DMs In Classic Neckbeard Fashion

It’s always wonderful when you find a neckbeard in the wild. It definitely makes you fear for humanity a little bit, but it also serves as an endless source of cringey entertainment. This story is so textbook cringe that you probably won’t believe it. Seriously, what is wrong with people?