18-year old changes her last name back to her late dad’s name, enrages mom and stepdad who changed it against her will when she was 7: ‘My mom’s husband told me I publicly disowned them’

Names are more important than we give them credit for. They’re not something that you should change without serious reason. We’ve all heard of parents who realize they gave their baby the wrong name two weeks after they were born. Changing their name in that scenario is largely harmless, but once a child is old …
Seguir leyendo 18-year old changes her last name back to her late dad’s name, enrages mom and stepdad who changed it against her will when she was 7: ‘My mom’s husband told me I publicly disowned them’

The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (May 21, 2024)

One of the wildest types of parents are those who helicopter parent into their child’s adulthood. I can’t imagine my parents handling my affairs in college, let alone in my day-to-day life as a grown-up with a job. I know that most adult children who find themselves on the receiving end of this «help» aren’t …
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Mom refuses to take daughter’s good grades off the fridge, despite hurting less academic stepdaughter’s feelings: ‘If she gets a good grade we can put it on the fridge’

A big part of growing up is learning that life isn’t fair. There will always be someone better than you at something, and the quicker you accept that, the easier it will be to find what you will excel at. I went to school with so many brilliant and athletic kids, and there was comfort …
Seguir leyendo Mom refuses to take daughter’s good grades off the fridge, despite hurting less academic stepdaughter’s feelings: ‘If she gets a good grade we can put it on the fridge’

The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 20, 2024)

I understand why parents freak out about their kids misbehaving when they’re super young. Rumor has it that most of your personality is formed by the time you turn seven years old, so if you’re a tool in 1st grade, then you’re probably going to be a tool forever. Whether or not that’s scienficially accurate …
Seguir leyendo The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 20, 2024)

‘You know who’s gonna suffer here? This poor kid’: New parents resolve to call their baby 2 different names after name argument stalemate

What’s in a name? A lot, it turns out. Names carry so much baggage with them and it’s on the parents to anticipate that ahead of time. Because your baby isn’t going to be a baby forever. One day, they’ll be an adult, and walk into a job interview with that dumb name you gave …
Seguir leyendo ‘You know who’s gonna suffer here? This poor kid’: New parents resolve to call their baby 2 different names after name argument stalemate

23 Best Parenting Memes of the Week for Witty Moms and Dads Laughing and Parenting the Best They Can (May 18, 2024)

It’s the freaking weekend, baby—time to stay up until 3 am because your kid keeps waking up! Let’s gooooo!

Adults complain about parents that give their kids weird names: ‘This is a human being that will have to go to school, apply for jobs’

No matter what parents choose to name their kids, how they will feel about that when they grow up is one big gamble. What you consider a beautiful, solid name that honors your grandma they might find old-fashioned and unsuited to them. It also can’t be denied that you are taking a much bigger risk …
Seguir leyendo Adults complain about parents that give their kids weird names: ‘This is a human being that will have to go to school, apply for jobs’

‘The darkest timeline imaginable’: Gen Alpha toddler horrifies internet by browsing 4chan on iPad

Perhaps the biggest difference between a kid born today and one born thirty years ago is the relationship that they have with screens. While there’s no denying that most adults are addicted to their phones, they have nothing on the iPad kids who seem to have been glued to a tablet since the day that …
Seguir leyendo ‘The darkest timeline imaginable’: Gen Alpha toddler horrifies internet by browsing 4chan on iPad

‘Just elope’: Husband-to-be bemoans ‘group project’ of wedding planning with parents

I’ve never understood the appeal of having a big wedding. Attending one can be a lot of fun, but actually planning it all, and spending all that money on a singular day? I don’t think so.  At the same time, I realize that not everybody feels that way. For many people, the day they get …
Seguir leyendo ‘Just elope’: Husband-to-be bemoans ‘group project’ of wedding planning with parents

30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (May 16, 2024)

We’ve all had a moment when we’ve genuinely thought, «Kids these days.» We go the first part of our lives thinking we’re the youngest and hippest people who have ever lived, and that attitude is hard to shake. That is until the generation below you starts doing things that you don’t understand.  As for me, I feel pretty young until I log onto FamousBirthdays.com. Those …
Seguir leyendo 30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (May 16, 2024)