Worker complains about living paycheck to paycheck, despite making $80K per year and paying $1175 a month in rent: ‘This is extremely affordable living’

Everyone has a different definition of «living paycheck to paycheck.» If you’ve never lived in actual poverty, you have no idea how resourceful you have to be to stretch less than $100 over two weeks and how stressful it is to live like that. Even if your situation isn’t that dismal, you might not be …
Seguir leyendo Worker complains about living paycheck to paycheck, despite making $80K per year and paying $1175 a month in rent: ‘This is extremely affordable living’

‘They are just making up excuses to be lazy’: Restaurant delays paychecks for extreme weather, employee has biting response

«Oh I can’t, it’s raining» is a great excuse used by lazy people the world over. Sure, there are some instances in which rain does halt the activity you were planning to do. Outdoor sports… that’s understandable. A pleasant stroll in the park? Probably not so pleasant under a torrential downpour. Painting your fence? Yeah, …
Seguir leyendo ‘They are just making up excuses to be lazy’: Restaurant delays paychecks for extreme weather, employee has biting response

Worker making $15 an hour gets doubly overpaid, earning $30 per hour: ‘What would you guys do?’

If you were getting paid for a job you quit months ago, would you tell anybody? Everyone likes to think of themselves as a Frank Abagnale Jr.-type figure who can scam their way out of anything without getting caught for years and years, but I’m not so sure about that. Most of us are not …
Seguir leyendo Worker making $15 an hour gets doubly overpaid, earning $30 per hour: ‘What would you guys do?’

‘We didn’t sell enough to pay you guys’: Incompetent boss blames late payment on poor sales, gives employee unwanted financial advice

I don’t know much about running a business, but I do know that you’re in trouble if you aren’t making enough money to pay your employees. Paying rent for an office/storefront and payroll are consistent and recurring business costs. They should be pretty easy to budget, considering they’re pretty consistent across multiple months. Unfortunately, not …
Seguir leyendo ‘We didn’t sell enough to pay you guys’: Incompetent boss blames late payment on poor sales, gives employee unwanted financial advice

Bitter Recruiter Accuses Applicant of Applying for Jobs Solely to Negotiate a Pay-Raise at their Current Job

One of the hardest parts about having a job is figuring out how to get more money. Some jobs make getting a raise a piece of cake, but those positions are few and far between. For the majority of places, you either have to ask nicely for more money, get a whole new job, or …
Seguir leyendo Bitter Recruiter Accuses Applicant of Applying for Jobs Solely to Negotiate a Pay-Raise at their Current Job

Dude Gets Fired on His First Day of Work After Fellow Employee Lies About Him Making an Inappropriate Comment Because He’s Jealous of His Salary

One of the lamest things about working is the inequality of it all. Somebody can have the exact same job as you, work as hard as you, and have comparable experience to you and still get paid more for some reason. It might be because they were hired a few months later or because they …
Seguir leyendo Dude Gets Fired on His First Day of Work After Fellow Employee Lies About Him Making an Inappropriate Comment Because He’s Jealous of His Salary

‘Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye’: Boss gives hardworking employee’s salary to new worker, employees band together to tank the company

«Red flags start appearing from the very first minute I arrive,» this employee wrote in one jaw-dropping workplace story.  This is a long story, but it’s totally worth the read. U/technicalviking wrote about the time they got suckered into taking on a massive job, only to be really overworked and barely appreciated. As they wrote, …
Seguir leyendo ‘Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye’: Boss gives hardworking employee’s salary to new worker, employees band together to tank the company

HR Accuses Dude of ‘Job Abandonment’ Two Years After He Quit The Job

When you quit your job, you hope you never hear from those people ever again. You put your resignation in writing, date it, send it off, and work your final two weeks in awkward silence. Sometimes, quitting your job goes easily. It’s so simple to quit a job in college after the semester is over. …
Seguir leyendo HR Accuses Dude of ‘Job Abandonment’ Two Years After He Quit The Job

20+ Corporate Memes for Office Plebes Who Are Suffering From a Permanent Case of the Mondays

Another weekend has passed and you still haven’t gotten that raise your boss promised you 3 months ago. As you lace up your shoes in the morning, look in the mirror, and straighten your collared shirt, you’re probably wondering why you’re still doing this to yourself every day after nearly a decade of «coffee runs». …
Seguir leyendo 20+ Corporate Memes for Office Plebes Who Are Suffering From a Permanent Case of the Mondays

Shady Company Tries to Steal Employee’s Paycheck With ‘Payroll Reversal’ After It’s Deposited

The one thing people expect from their employers is to be compensated for their work in a timely manner. Can you imagine what would happen if, after purchasing something in a store, you reached into the cash register to take your money back? Or what if you turned in your rent and then cancelled the …
Seguir leyendo Shady Company Tries to Steal Employee’s Paycheck With ‘Payroll Reversal’ After It’s Deposited