30+ Nature Memes For People Who Prefer Wildlife

If you’re a human and you’d take chillin’ with some trees and bugs over being cooped up indoors any day of the week, you’ll probably dig these dank and hilarious nature memes. The pandemic has been pretty hard for adventurers who have had to cancel their epic camping trips, especially for nature-lovers who are stuck …
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30+ Relatable Memes For Unapologetic Plant People

Plant people are a different breed. While some of us (definitely not me) can barely take care of themselves, plant lovers seem to thrive on taking care of their green friends – sometimes at the expense of their own sanity. The trials of green thumbs are many. Buying too many plants seems to be a …
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32 Memes For Plant-Obsessed People

Paging all green thumbs – and black thumbs who keep trying. This batch of memes is for you. It’s for the people who crumble in the face of a nursery’s temptation. For people who lovingly give their friends plant cuttings and fresh herbs from the garden. For the brave souls who work tirelessly to keep …
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35 Relatable Plant Memes For Wannabe Gardeners

Plants make pretty good coping mechanisms, I MEAN companions…don’t they? After a difficult year of social distancing and spending a lot more time at home, many of us likely developed new houseplant addictions while in lockdown. Hey, it could be way worse. Whether you’ve got a naturally green thumb or you’re new to manic plant-collecting, …
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21 Wholesome Ecology Memes For Nature-Lovers

Everyone knows that animals are pretty much awesome, right? And plants? I mean, we’d be literally dead without them. We’ve put together a modest collection of ecological memes to celebrate the inextricable bond we humans have to other living organisms. Shout out to all the flora and fauna out there. Respect. 

35 Dank Nature Memes For People Who Prefer Wildlife

If you’re a human and you’d take chillin’ with some trees and bugs over being cooped up indoors any day of the week, you’ll probably dig these dank and hilarious nature memes. The pandemic has been pretty hard for adventurers who have had to cancel their epic camping trips, especially for nature-lovers who are stuck …
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24 Plant Memes For The Botanically Minded

It’s almost been a year of the Covid times and some of us have turned our apartments into little home jungles since, you know, we can’t really take that camping vacation anymore. If you’re someone whose love for houseplants just keeps on growing, you’ll probably enjoy these relatable memes about being an aspiring home gardener. 

38 Dank Ecological Memes Because Nature Is Rad

For all the amateur zoologists, eco-freaks, and environmentalists out there, we’ve got a truly dank selection of wild memes featuring crustaceans, trash animals, tetrapods, friendly ferns, fierce frogs, and everything in between. Seems like almost all the memes today are about that one super overrated and painfully narcissistic species (ahem, humans). But what about the …
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25 Plant Memes For Green And Black Thumbs Alike

This year’s endless joy of lockdowns and quarantines has inspired many home-based trends. While some people took up baking bread and gaining that quarantine fifteen, other people turned to knitting or art. And then there’s the scads of millenials and Zoomers who decided to cultivate the ol’ houseplant and gardening fad that had been steadily …
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Lush & LOL-Worthy Plant Memes For Green Thumbs

Being stuck at home for much of 2020 has had some unfortunate side-effects. Some people are feeling agoraphobic, others have spiraled into depression. People have gained weight. One unexpected  (but positive) result of being cooped up has been an increased demand for houseplants. While many businesses have suffered due to the pandemic, this green industry …
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