30 Animal Memes For Aspiring Zookeepers

This week, breaking news hit everyone who cares about animals, and this one is a doozy. I don’t know if you all remember the March 2020 Netflix hit series Tiger King. I know I certainly don’t, at least not the details. Only the big plot points stick out in my head, and even those are …
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A Raucous Range of Raccoon Memes for Trash Animal Enthusiasts

As a purveyor of diverse Internet content, there are a few animals that have really had success in the realm of memedom. Cats are an obvious one – cat memes just never seem to get old. But we’re more interested in the grittier, self-deprecating memes that feature raccoons, who are also known (affectionately) as trash …
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Memes To Help You Forgive and Forget

I am known for having a really sharp memory. I remember things that nobody else in my family or friend groups does, and I am especially skilled at remembering dates. If anyone can’t recall my cousin’s wedding anniversary, they know who to call. One of the only things that I am terrible at remembering is …
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Super Memey Memes For Real Memeheads

I love memes. There, I said it. Few people these days are proud to admit they are memeheads, but I’m surely not one of them. I live and breathe memes. From the moment I wake up to when my head hits the pillow, memes are like sugarplums dancing through my head. I don’t opt for …
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Raccoon Memes For Trash Panda Enthusiasts

Raccoons are really special. And fortunately for me, they happen to be one of the only «wild» animals that make its presence known in my New York City neighborhood. I live near a gigantic cemetery, so many opossums, skunks, and raccoons call the backyards here home. But the trash pandas are my favorite. Why? They’re …
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Raccoon Memes For Animal Lovers

Halloween season is almost here, so it’s time to celebrate all of the vermin in the animal kingdom. Sure, black cats, bats, and spiders typically get the publicity for this upcoming month, but many different animals deserve a chance to shine as Halloween Monster Animal of the YearTM.  For instance, raccoons. If Universal Studios had …
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Chaotic Raccoon Memes For Lovers of Trash Pandas

It can be more than a little unsettling to pass an unassuming mountain of trash and hear something rustling around in the shadows of the garbage pile, but depending on where you live, it’s probably just a cute little trash panda hunting for its next meal. There’s no reason to be scared of these critters unless they …
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A Thriving Nest of Possum Memes

When I was younger, I wondered if possums were Irish immigrants, dropping the «O» in opossum to Americanize their names. Unfortunately, that astute theory was untrue, as opossums originate in North America. Drat!  Possums are not considered great pets; you don’t need an animal scientist to figure it out. The best way to determine if …
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Eccentric Memes You Can Take Your Time With

There are times to slow down and times to speed up. If you’re luxuriating in a delicious bubble bath on a Friday night, it’s time to sit back and take your damn time because it won’t last forever. If you’re working as a lifeguard at your local community pool and you see some suspicious bubbles, …
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Raccoon Memes For Garbage Lovers

Raccoons have gotten a bad reputation over the years. Their diet of trash and resistance toward domestication makes them hard to love for many people. However, not everyone is a hater. Some of us developed our love for raccoons through their brief yet impactful appearances in the movies. Pocahontas’s bestie Meeko was stellar representation of …
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