Pink Sauce Creator Claims Her Product Doesn’t Need FDA Approval

If you’ve been online in any capacity this week, you’ve probably heard of the Pink Sauce. The product was originally marketed on TikTok as a delicious and unique sauce that was incomparable to any other sauce currently on the market. However, things fell apart quickly when consumers found that the sauce was shipped unrefrigerated in …
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Customer Orders Vile Sandwich With Unbelievable Ingredients

If you’ve worked in customer service, you know that most adults secretly have the taste buds of toddlers. That’s not necessarily bad, but when the 20th grown adult of your shift orders their meal with «no veggies,» you start to question the general population’s ability to consume a genuinely nutritious meal. At a restaurant where …
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A Bodacious Bunch of Stellar Memes

Good evening, good afternoon, and goodnight. You’re here right now, but you’re also nowhere and everywhere. Isn’t that super coconuts?  Listen, I’m going to be honest with you all. I’ve got a really sick, sad case of the Mondays. No offense, but how could you not? It’s another five-day week and one of the many …
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21 Memes & Pics For The True Midwesterners

We know that stereotypes generally carry a negative connotation but we absolutely love memes and tweets that play with generalizations. These very specific memes poke fun at the habits of Midwesterners– we’re sorry in advance if any of this offends anyone who hails from this region!