‘This will lead to her getting ostracized more’: Parent forbids daughter to go on school field trip for a strange reason

School overnight trips are where everything goes down. I remember my eighth grade class trip to Washington DC better than I remember what I ate for lunch yesterday. It’s a unique chance to really get to know your classmates (especially the ones you’re not friends with) outside the confines of school itself. Something about sleeping …
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The Cringiest Cringe Pics of the Week (December 20, 2023)

I have committed so many acts of cringe in my life, so I might as well share some with you. After all, I’m going to be throwing so many stones at cringe people; I might as well admit that I’m no better than the cringey people who lie in these pics below us. When I …
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Employee Demands ‘Free Manicure’ From Coworker During Lunch Break

Imagine you pick up a new hobby for yourself after work, and let’s say it’s a manicure. You buy the kit and work hard at making your nails look good and presentable. Some time and effort later, you feel good enough to help out your friends, whose nails are also hopeless. But first, before you …
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Salty Sister-in-Law Gets Delicious Holiday-Flavored Revenge

The holiday season may purport to bring out the best in us, but it can often bring out the worst. The collision of families, the emotional intensity of the celebrations, the sky-high expectations… it can be the perfect storm of family tension. I heard once that the time you’re most likely to get murdered is …
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Airline Workers Share Their Wildest Stories From the Skies

If I think about planes too hard while I’m on one, I start to get freaked out. They’re made and operated by humans, after all, and humans are fallible. My rational mind knows that air travel is much safer than car travel, but the being-in-the-air of it all gets me out of whack sometimes. Especially …
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Pregnant Worker Gets Hilarious Revenge on Disrespectful Boss

Office pranks are an excellent way to boost morale. If they’re harmless and funny, they’re the perfect tool to get everyone laughing and provide shared memories to help you bond with your coworkers. Of course, they also can be a form of light bullying if personally directed, like Jim and Dwight on The Office. As a side …
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Facts Redditors Were Taught in Grade School That Turned out to Be Utter Phooey

Information is ever-evolving. That’s why there are new editions of textbooks, up-to-date encyclopedias, and good folks working tirelessly to constantly update Wikipedia pages (I’m NOT looking at you, Wiki-vandals). We’re always learning new things, observing new phenomena, and doing new research. They used to teach that Pluto was a planet. I’m still salty about that …
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Shady Personal Trainer Uses Apartment’s Shared Gym for Sessions, Residents Left Gymless

It seems like everyone’s an entrepreneur these days. The proliferation of influencer culture has given more folks than ever a chance to be their own boss, whether it’s creating content or running a small business. The increasing frustrations of the modern workplace have also driven many away from traditional jobs and towards gigs. It’s a …
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Redditors Share Their Botched Wedding Stories

We put so much cultural importance on weddings, that when they go wrong, it can be devastating. With months, maybe years of planning, thousands of dollars spent, and the hopes and dreams of a whole marriage foisted upon one day, it can easily be the highest-stakes event of one’s lifetime. I once went to a …
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Uber Driver Preposterously Charges Fee For Waiting 0 Minutes

Uber etiquette can be a slippery issue. I’m always wondering how much I should talk, if it’s poor form to have headphones on, or if I should actually be sitting in the passenger seat. I’m pretty convinced that I’m fine on that last one, but the point stands. I suppose everyone is different, and you …
Seguir leyendo Uber Driver Preposterously Charges Fee For Waiting 0 Minutes