A Tasty Collection Of Juul Memes To Mourn The Loss Of The Nation’s Favorite Vape

The time has come to rip one out for the big daddy of the vaping world. The past decade few years have seen many parts of the world revolutionize their nicotine consumption, thanks to the inescapable spread of vapes and e-cigarettes; in the US, this market has been dominated by the Juul. Since 2015, these …
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15+ Wild And Wacky “Wyd After Smoking This” Memes

While weed might have many benefits when used in moderation, stoners generally aren’t the sharpest tools in the box. Consuming all that THC at once can really do a number on your brain, and anyone well acquainted with the joys of marijuana has a story to tell when it comes to the dumb things that …
Seguir leyendo 15+ Wild And Wacky “Wyd After Smoking This” Memes

Plane Passengers Scandalized By Woman Smoking On Flight

The etiquette of life is pretty different when you’re in the air, full of rules that do everything from stopping people being jerks to preventing the plane from doing a nosedive. If you’ve half-watched the cabin crew do the safety demonstration enough times, one of these  that is probably burned into your brain is a …
Seguir leyendo Plane Passengers Scandalized By Woman Smoking On Flight