A Tasty Collection Of Juul Memes To Mourn The Loss Of The Nation’s Favorite Vape

The time has come to rip one out for the big daddy of the vaping world. The past decade few years have seen many parts of the world revolutionize their nicotine consumption, thanks to the inescapable spread of vapes and e-cigarettes; in the US, this market has been dominated by the Juul. Since 2015, these nifty addiction sticks have infiltrated house parties, been whipped out on smoke breaks at work, and filled high school bathrooms up and down the land with mysterious clouds of vapor. 

This won’t be the case for much longer, though, as the FDA announced yesterday that the iconic brand would be banned in a bid to discourage nicotine consumption. A dark day for stereotypical Zoomers everywhere, social media soon filled up with anecdotes of panic buys and complaints in response to the draconian move. 

Almost singlehandedly changing the way that an entire generation began an addiction to nicotine, there’s no denying that Juuling is a habit you would only want to pick up if you were trying to kick the real stuff. However, this hasn’t stopped the product inspiring some fine memes and internet moments in its time; from the «Wrow» Vine to the overdramatic send offs it’s receiving currently, it’s been a wild ride from start to finish. I guess we’ll all have to go back to cancer-causing analogue now. 

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