‘Multiple managers viewed my LinkedIn profile’: Worker sets LinkedIn status to ‘open to work’ after HR puts them on a performance improvement plan

LinkedIn is one social media site you must be careful while using. Casually applying to different jobs is all fun and games until you go from barely using it to being on it every night from 7-10. If you start doing that and you’re connected with all of your current employers, good luck, Charlie. The …
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‘Suggest a solution’: Manager forces employee to manage herself after scheduling her on her day off

There’s nothing worse than a manager who can’t manage. It’s in their title to make sure all the people working below them are doing what they’re supposed to do, and they can’t even swing that! I’m sure we’ve all been under the guidance of a manager who throws up their hands in frustration whenever they …
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‘They said it wouldn’t be a problem’: Manager denies employees vacation request after it was approved during job interview

There’s something so scary about your vacation getting ripped out from under you. You spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to have a couple of nice days away from your troubles at work, and if your vacation time gets retroactively denied, there’s nothing you can do about it. Well, there are things you can …
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‘Should I be concerned?’: Worker confronts HR representative after their manager bans employees from discussing pay

There are some things that coworkers shouldn’t ask each other about. It’s usually a good rule of thumb not to discuss politics, religion, or s*x too thoroughly with the people you have to spend 40 hours a week with. Heck, I don’t even want to know the in-depth political compass of someone I only spend …
Seguir leyendo ‘Should I be concerned?’: Worker confronts HR representative after their manager bans employees from discussing pay

Toxic Management Puts Employee on a «Wall of Shame» For Calling Out After Her Dog Died

It can be hard to get sympathy in the workplace after a pet dies. I experienced this firsthand when I worked at, of all places, a dog bakery. After an entire summer of covering my coworker’s shifts anytime they wanted to go to a concert or go on vacation, I begged for somebody to take …
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Interviewer Rejects Candidate After He Guesses The Salary Range Incorrectly

There’s something uniquely challenging about negotiating your salary for your first job out of college. Once you’ve worked a couple of years and feel more established, it’s much easier to stand your ground and say, «I won’t take your paltry offer!» When you’re fresh out of college, you are so desperate for a job that …
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Teen Receives Absurd List of «Rules» On Her First Day of Work

Older people love to lecture teenagers about their laziness, but I think that couldn’t be further from the truth. Sure, there are always some bad apples who couldn’t care less about working hard at school, work, or extracurricular activities, but I would argue that more is expected of teens now than ever before. They have …
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Manager Refuses to Promote Employee Because He’s ‘Too Good At What He’s Doing Now’

No good deed goes unpunished, especially in the workplace. If you are an extremely competent worker who goes above and beyond for your company, it is rare that you will be rewarded for it. You might be rewarded with verbal praise or affirmations of your value, but that won’t translate into any material benefits or …
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Fast Food Worker Gets Written Up After Calling Ambulance For Customer Going Into Diabetic Shock

Sometimes, you have to do terrifying things while you’re on the job that were not written in your job description. Especially in a public-facing position, you have a higher chance of having to intervene in an emergency and doing so incredibly fast. You don’t have time to think about the consequences of what will happen …
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Worker Gets Cursed Out And Accused of Using $40K Per Year Job as a ‘Stepping Stone’ After Handing in Their Two Week Notice

Family businesses are wild places to work at. When you’re working at a company where no employees have familial ties to each other, it’s much more normalized to leave in search of better opportunities. Sure, your boss might not be happy that you quit, but it’s a standard expectation for some percentage of employees. In …
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