‘Suggest a solution’: Manager forces employee to manage herself after scheduling her on her day off

There’s nothing worse than a manager who can’t manage. It’s in their title to make sure all the people working below them are doing what they’re supposed to do, and they can’t even swing that! I’m sure we’ve all been under the guidance of a manager who throws up their hands in frustration whenever they have to make any hard decision. They will tell employees, «figure it out yourself» when they schedule them for times they’re unavailable. They throw workers’ problems back in their faces, asking them to «give me a solution» instead of working through the problem together. They refuse to deign themselves to work a shift when they’re short-staffed because they believe that «taking one for the team» is a one-way street. One of those manager’s interactions with their employee recently went viral on Reddit, with Redditors being baffled at their demand for their employee to «suggest a solution» to the problem the manager created. 

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