Your Daily Dose of Vitameme A with These Veggie Funny Dark Green Memes

Time to kick that health kick up a notch!

‘Vegan cheese is the grossest thing I’ve ever tried’: Dad refuses to buy groceries for 15-year-old vegan daughter

Dietary choices are a very easy way to start family drama. When I first went vegetarian many years ago, my parents couldn’t get enough of worrying about my protein intake. While they have since calmed down about it, I can still sympathize with those who face breaking the news to their omnivorous relatives. I also …
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25+ Vegan Memes for Nutritional Yeast Enthusiasts

I am by no means a vegan, but I am a vegan sympathizer. A veg-ally, if you will. I’ve gone periods of my life fully plant-based, yes. But I’ve never done it with enough consistency to truly step into my power as a full-blown vegan. People love to dunk on vegans. I’ve heard more vegan …
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‘She was livid’: Roommate buys carnivorous plants to get back at annoying vegan roommate

I’m all for eating plants. For one, I happen to love the way they taste. And then there are a bunch of reasons (environmental, health-wise, blah blah blah) that they’re beneficial. But if you’re a certain type of person, you’ve already tuned me out. The war between meat-eaters and non-meat-eaters has been raging for decades …
Seguir leyendo ‘She was livid’: Roommate buys carnivorous plants to get back at annoying vegan roommate

25 Vegetarian Food Memes for Plant-Based Food Lovers

Being a vegetarian isn’t easy. You must make appropriate changes to your everyday consumption with any dietary restrictions. In the case of vegetarianism, it means no meat. That’s stating the obvious, but until you’ve stepped into the shoes of a vegetarian, it’s difficult to fully realize how limiting that can be. Meat is the norm …
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Vegetarians Freak Out Over Stir-Fried Pork & Tofu Dish at Potluck

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but tofu isn’t just some fad that was popularized by a bunch of vegans from California in the nineties, and it certainly doesn’t exist solely for vegetarians who crave a meat substitute. Tofu has been around for thousands of years. Legend has it that a Chinese cook …
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Dude Tries To Bring His Own Burgers To a Vegan Dinner Party

Vegans can get a bad rep. They’re stereotyped as pushy haters criticizing everyone who dares to eat chicken breast. In reality, most vegans are not jumping down everyone’s throats. Their lifestyle is a lot more replicable than you’d think. I’ve been a meat eater my whole life, and even I could eat predominantly vegan and …
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Update: Meat-Loving Groom Secretly Cancels Vegan Meals, Bride Cancels Wedding and Leaves Him

This bride discovered that her fiancé had gone behind her back and canceled the vegan meals she had ordered. This put the couple in a dicey situation, marriage plans in doubt, and led the bride to rethink the entire engagement. In an update, the original poster has returned to share with readers that she had …
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Veganuary Memes That Are Saving the Animals, One Vegan at a Time

In a world where animal products reign supreme, it’s easy to diss the vegans. There’s no denying they are a dietary group which attracts its fair share of smug jerks and whackjobs, like Moby, or That Vegan Teacher.  However, that doesn’t mean that all people who make this dietary choice deserve ridicule. There are plenty …
Seguir leyendo Veganuary Memes That Are Saving the Animals, One Vegan at a Time

Updated: Meat-Loving Groom Secretly Cancels Vegan Meals, Bride Cancels Wedding and Leaves Him

This bride discovered that her fiancé had gone behind her back and canceled the vegan meals she had ordered. This put the couple in a dicey situation, put marriage plans in doubt, and led the bride to rethink the engagement. In an update just posted, the original poster has returned to share with readers that …
Seguir leyendo Updated: Meat-Loving Groom Secretly Cancels Vegan Meals, Bride Cancels Wedding and Leaves Him