Vegetarians Freak Out Over Stir-Fried Pork & Tofu Dish at Potluck

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but tofu isn’t just some fad that was popularized by a bunch of vegans from California in the nineties, and it certainly doesn’t exist solely for vegetarians who crave a meat substitute. Tofu has been around for thousands of years. Legend has it that a Chinese cook accidentally invented tofu while attempting to flavor soybeans with a type of seaweed called nagari. The cook instead ended up with soybean curd, which became a staple in China as early as 100 A.D. Today it’s known as tofu! 

To many non-vegetarians out there, including redditor u/Unhappy-Fault-3126, tofu is simply an ingredient that works in a variety of dishes. When u/Unhappy-Fault-3126 brought a stir-fried pork and tofu dish to a potluck, a handful of vegetarians helped themselves without making sure it was meat-free first. A bunch of people then blamed OP for mixing meat with tofu rather than accepting their own negligence and incorrect assumptions. Keep scrolling for the whole story. 

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