‘Someone is recording them recording’: Family Gets Called Out For Filming New Mom and Baby on Phones, Sparks Debate About Recording Special Moments

Making memories is one of those Hallmark catchphrases that is genuinely very important. We wouldn’t love our family and friends like we do if we didn’t have the experiences to back it up. As a result, many people want to take photos on special occasions. The catch is that these days that goes hand in …
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«She got married solely to have this moment»: Bride performs cringey group dance for groom, enrages Twitter because of course it does

When you’re an adult, you get way fewer opportunities to get attention compared to when you were a child. Kids are constantly performing in recitals or playing sports games, and they’ve got that built-in audience of their friends and family who are more than happy to come to watch them do their thing. When you’re …
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«What a bunch of babies»: Self-important couple blows through boarding to get on plane first, refuse to give up seats

Traveling can be exhausting. There’s so much rigamarole and to-do at airports from security to boarding you just hope that everyone complies so it can be done as quickly as possible. There’s a procedure for everything, and all you have to do is what you’re told. I’ve flown a lot in my lifetime, so I …
Seguir leyendo «What a bunch of babies»: Self-important couple blows through boarding to get on plane first, refuse to give up seats

Mom Cries After Only Having $200 Left After Paying Bills, Gets Criticized For Being Out of Touch

Everyone has a different idea of what it means to «live paycheck to paycheck.» It drives me crazy when I see posts from people making $200K a year, claiming that they still live paycheck to paycheck after completely filling up their 401Ks and spending $5000 in rent. Most of us think of ourselves as middle …
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Meat Eating Mom Splits Opinion by Feeding Baby Barely Cooked Steak

At this point, I am begging: please, God, can all those people whose diets mostly consist of semi-raw red meat stop pulling stunts about it for social media? It’s bad enough when you see full-grown adults chowing down on a delicacy such as sink steak, but now those zealots are getting their kids onto it, …
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Unsuspecting Office Worker Gets Dragged for Food Faux-Pas

Office etiquette can be difficult to pick up on, as it’s often an unspoken set of rules. When and how much to small-talk with your coworkers, when and how long to take your lunch, when to leave at the end of the day– these are all nuances that take a minute to pick up on. …
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Crunchy Mom Gets Roasted for Claiming «Free Birthed Baby» Always Hangs Out Where Her Placenta Was Buried

Hippy moms can have a bad reputation. I have to say that it is often deserved. From the tyrannical bans on processed sugars to jeopardizing health by forgoing modern medicine, they can make decisions that don’t seem entirely rational. At the same time, it’s not always a terrible thing to take the crunchier approach to …
Seguir leyendo Crunchy Mom Gets Roasted for Claiming «Free Birthed Baby» Always Hangs Out Where Her Placenta Was Buried

Terrifying British Karen Growls at Dude for Parking in Front of His Friend’s House

There’s something so scary and weird about someone banging on your car window. Unless there is a baby or a dog locked in there, there is practically no reason to be doing all of that. Still, Karens and male Karens of all kinds continue to bother people and complain about strangers just existing in a …
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Bartender Splits Opinion on Twitter With Speedy Cashier Skills

At risk of sounding like a broken record, we all know by now that customer-facing jobs require a whole host of skills that go way beyond smiling in the face of douchebags. Arguably, bartending is up there with one of the most complex; not only do you have to know how to mix drinks and …
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Wife Admits to Husband That She Could Potentially Cheat on Him, Starts Debate About Infidelity

It’s not difficult to start an argument about relationships on the internet. Combine that with an element of betrayal, and you’ve got yourself a powder keg that’s ready to blow up the discourse.  Cheating is the kind of topic that inspires a visceral reaction in a lot of people, whether they’ve been on the receiving …
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