Wholesome Memes and Posts That Are Chicken Soup for the Soul

It’s fair to say that many of us longtime internet dwellers don’t get our RDA of niceness most days. Lots of parts of being in the world unequivocally suck, and none of us were built to put up with that one hundred percent of the time.  Much as we love looking at memes, it doesn’t …
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Dog Memes For Shaggy Dog Stans

One of the greatest movies of the 20th century is about a man who magically turns into a dog. I’m not talking about The Shaggy Dog or its remake starring Tim Allen. No, I’m referring to the greatest hidden gem Disney+ has to offer, The Shaggy D.A. As the title so cleverly suggests, it is …
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A Selection of Beautiful and Blessed Images to Cleanse Our Souls

Doesn’t everything feel kind of harsh sometimes? People are mean, life is unforgiving, and most of us are stumbling through it unable to catch a break. While we tend to turn to the internet for some much-needed escapism, that doesn’t always turn out the right way, either. With all the dumb and terrible things that …
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Wholesome Memes For Kind Souls

These days, going on the internet often feels like you’re stuck in a machine specifically designed to make you have a bad time. The algorithm shows you content guaranteed to make you mad; sure enough, you read it, get angry, and post about it more, feeding into the monster. One would think that eventually, you’d …
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Raccoon Memes For Animal Lovers

Halloween season is almost here, so it’s time to celebrate all of the vermin in the animal kingdom. Sure, black cats, bats, and spiders typically get the publicity for this upcoming month, but many different animals deserve a chance to shine as Halloween Monster Animal of the YearTM.  For instance, raccoons. If Universal Studios had …
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Cuddly and Adorable Cat Memes That Could Make Cat Haters Fall In Love

Cats are the bomb, but cats have their fair share of haters who can never keep it to themselves. These cat haters all have the same blanket excuses for disliking cats. One of these excuses is, «when you die, your cat will eat your dead body.» Well, to that, I say, I’m glad she will. …
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Wholesome Memes That Even Your Grandma Could Love

Nowadays, it’s increasingly challenging to find memes for the whole family. Ten years ago, wholesome memes comprised a much more significant portion of the meme ecosystem. Unfortunately, that’s no longer the case. Now, so many memes you come across are either depressing, catastrophizing, or just plain rude.  Extremely online people might not think there’s a …
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Wholesome Dog Images For Those In The Mood To See A Dog

Even if you don’t have a doggy of your own, you likely see dogs every day. When I’m walking to work and see an incredibly excitable puppy lunging toward me, I often feel conflicted about how to proceed. While, on the one hand, I’d love to pet the dog and give it all of the …
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Animal Memes For Kids and Adults Alike

It is wild that nearly every kid I knew wanted to be an animal scientist or a marine biologist when they grew up. I guess it makes sense since animals are one of the four interests children consistently have across generations: animals, books, sports, and pink. If you meet a kid that doesn’t possess at …
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Dog Memes To Bark and Howl About

Dogs are an S-tier pet if there ever was one. They are called man’s best friend for a reason; doggos are uncritical, love you unconditionally, and are generally a blast to be around. Dogs might not be for everyone, but if you’re an extrovert who wants even more social interaction in your life, then these …
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